Call for a position of a Post-doctoral Researcher in an NCN project SONATA 17

Institution name:

Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (IAR&FR PAS)

Name of the position:

Post-doctoral Researcher in an NCN project SONATA 17 entitled „Potential use of peroxiredoxins to improve the quality of cryopreserved bull semen”

Description of the position:

The candidate will participate in the following research tasks:

  1. Characterization of differences in plasma membrane structure, redox proteome and peroxiredoxins abundance in sperm of good and poor freezability;
  2. Selection of peroxiredoxin isoforms related to good freezability and chaperone function;
  3. Effect of extracellular and intracellular introduction of peroxiredoxins on bovine sperm freezability;

Conditions of work:

  • The elected candidate will receive a monthly salary of 7500-8500 PLN per month (brutto),
  • Location of the workplace: Department of Gamete and Embryo Biology, IAR&FR PAS, Bydgoska Str. 7, 10-243 Olsztyn,
  • Date of beginning of the employment: October 2022,
  • Length of work contract: 36 months.


  1. Ph.D. in bioengineering, biotechnology, biology, veterinary, or related discipline (obtained not earlier than 7 years before the date of the announcement, a degree should be obtained outside the Institution where the project will be carried out);
  2. Knowledge in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology, biology of reproduction and immunology;
  3. Experience confirmed by scientific achievements in research on mammalian sperm, with particular emphasis on bulls;
  4. Experience confirmed by scientific achievements in the field of flow cytometry techniques and proteomic analyzes (SDS-PAGE, 2D PAGE, Western-Blot);
  5. Knowledge of the English language at a level enabling easy communication;
  6. Ability to work in a team.

Interested candidates are asked to provide the following documents:

  1. Motivation letter;
  2. CV including a list of publications, conference presentations, and other awards;
  3. Ph.D. diploma or certificate of participation in studies at the moment;
  4. Recommendation letter confirming skills necessary for completing the project;
  5. Other documents, that in the opinion of the candidate are important when considering him/her for the position.

Applications should be sent to:

Dr Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska, deadline September 15, 2022 until 3:00 p.m. The subject of the message should be „Call for Post-doc Researcher/SONATA”.

In your CV, please include a consent clause for the processing of personal data in the recruitment process:

„I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the application documents by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, in order to carry out the recruitment process and publishing the full results of the competition on the Institute’s website”.

Information clause:

  1. The administrator of personal data processed as part of the recruitment process is the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, phone no. 89 523 46 86, e-mail:
  2. Contact with the personal data protection officer is possible at the above-mentioned address.
  3. The provided personal data will be processed in order to carry out the current recruitment process and kept until its completion on the basis of expressed consent (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
  4. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  5. You have the right to access your personal data, request their rectification or removal. Submitting a request to delete data is tantamount to resignation from participation in the recruitment process. In addition, you have the right to request the restriction of processing in the cases specified in art. 18 GDPR.
  6. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office against the unlawful processing of his personal data. This authority will be competent to consider the complaint, provided that the right to file a complaint concerns only the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, and not the recruitment process.
  7. Your data will not be profiled or made available to entities or third countries. The recipients of the data may be institutions authorized by law.
  8. Providing your personal data is not obligatory, but it is a necessary condition to participate in the recruitment process. 


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Call for a position of a PhD student in OPUS 22

Project NCN OPUS 22 entitled: „Exploration of the development, functioning and role of circadian rhythm in early life stages of Perca fluviatilis”

Principal Investigator:

Dr. Daniel Żarski, Dr. Katarzyna Palińska-Żarska

Description of the position:

General aim of this project is to verify at which developmental stage the embryos or larvae of Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis, acquiring ‘sense of time’ and how this ability undergoes future dynamics during the larval and/or juvenile periods. Additionally, the project will allow to answer the question ‘whether’ and ‘to what extent’ modified photoperiod and/or light spectrum, affects circadian rhythm of early life stages of the species studied.

The candidate will participate in the following research tasks:

  1. Controlled reproduction of Eurasian perch (induction of ovulation and spermiation, obtaining the gametes, in vitro fertilization);
  2. Incubation of Eurasian perch eggs, evaluation of the quality of embryos;
  3. Rearing of larvae and juveniles and evaluation of their zootechnical indicators;
  4. Sampling of biological material and their evaluation in terms of transcriptomic research;
  5. RNA, protein isolations and molecular analysis;
  6. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis;
  7. Preparation of scientific articles.


  1. A master’s degree in fisheries, agriculture, biology or equivalent (expected before the deadline of this application);
  2. High motivation to work in a multidisciplinary and international team with fish breeders, fish larvae as well as in molecular biology laboratory;
  3. Basic knowledge on biology and animal physiology (vertebrates);
  4. Basic knowledge on genomic tools (mainly transcriptomics and proteomics) will be appreciated, but not prerequisite;
  5. Fluency in English in writing and speaking;
  6. Availability, good work organization, ability to work in a team and deal with stress;
  7. Ability to write scientific and / or popular science papers and present the results.

Conditions of work:

  1. The selected candidate will participate in the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Agricultural Sciences at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn.
  2. The elected candidate will receive a monthly PhD scholarship of 4 276 PLN gross (around 3 700 PLN net salary)
  3. Location of the workplace: Department of Gamete and Embryo Biology, IAR&FR PAS, Bydgoska Str. 7, 10-243 Olsztyn, POLAND
  4. Starting date: October 1, 2022,
  5. The PhD course length: 48 months.

Interested candidates are asked to provide the following documents:

  1. Cover letter;
  2. Curriculum vitae (CV), containing:
    • education,
    • scientific achievements, including scientific publications, popular science articles, conference announcements,
    • achievements resulting from conducting scientific research, scholarships, awards, scientific experience, workshops and scientific training as well as participation in research projects,
    • competences to carry out the tasks provided for in the project;
  3. Opinion of the research supervisor and/or mentor;
  4. Other documents that, according to the candidate, may be important when considering the candidature.

Applications should be sent to:

Dr. Daniel Żarski, e-mail: Deadline July 22, 2022 until 3:00 p.m. The subject of the letter should be „PhD application”.

Selected candidates will be invited for an interview to be conducted on-line on July 27th 2022.

Contact and additional information:

In your CV, please include a consent clause for the processing of personal data in the recruitment process:

„I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the application documents by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, in order to carry out the recruitment process and publishing the full results of the competition on the Institute’s website”.

Information clause:

  1. The administrator of personal data processed as part of the recruitment process is the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, phone no. 89 523 46 86, e-mail:
  2. Contact with the personal data protection officer is possible at the above-mentioned address.
  3. The provided personal data will be processed in order to carry out the current recruitment process and kept until its completion on the basis of expressed consent (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
  4. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  5. You have the right to access your personal data, request their rectification or removal. Submitting a request to delete data is tantamount to resignation from participation in the recruitment process. In addition, you have the right to request the restriction of processing in the cases specified in art. 18 GDPR.
  6. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office against the unlawful processing of his personal data. This authority will be competent to consider the complaint, provided that the right to file a complaint concerns only the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, and not the recruitment process.
  7. Your data will not be profiled or made available to entities or third countries. The recipients of the data may be institutions authorized by law.
  8. Providing your personal data is not obligatory, but it is a necessary condition to participate in the recruitment process. 


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Call for a position of a Post-doctoral Researcher in an NCN project OPUS 22

Institution name:

Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (IAR&FR PAS)

Name of the position:

Post-doctoral Researcher in an NCN project OPUS 22 entitled „Towards unraveling the role of carp cold acclimation protein 31 (Cap31) – a new important player in fish antimicrobial defense?”

Description of the position:

The candidate will participate in the following research tasks:

  1. Development of the isolation and purification procedure of Cap31, production of anti-Cap31 antibodies and development of ELISA for Cap31 determination;
  2. Determination of physicochemical characteristics and kinetical properties of possible cytidine deaminase activity of Cap31;
  3. Determination of the kinetics of Cap31 in relation to acclimation to cold;
  4. Determination of relationships between Cap31 and well-being and health status of carp in aquaculture conditions.

Conditions of work:

  • The elected candidate will receive a monthly salary of 7500-8500 PLN per month (brutto),
  • Location of the workplace: Department of Gamete and Embryo Biology, IAR&FR PAS, Bydgoska Str. 7, 10-243 Olsztyn,
  • Date of beginning of the employment: July/August 2022,
  • Length of work contract: 48 months.


  1. Ph.D. in bioengineering, biotechnology, biology, veterinary, or related discipline (obtained not earlier than 7 years before the date of the announcement, a degree should be obtained outside the Institution where the project will be carried out);
  2. Knowledge in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology, biology of reproduction and immunology;
  3. Experience with the following techniques: purification and characterization of proteins, mass spectrometry MALDI TOF, proteomics, analysis of post-translational modifications, ELISA, electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE, 2D PAGE, 2D-DIGE, Western blot), qPCR, microscopy techniques, immunofluorescence staining of proteins in the cell, sperm analyses, including CASA;
  4. Co-authorship of 10 scientific papers;
  5. Ability to communicate easily in English;
  6. Ability to work in a group.

Interested candidates are asked to provide the following documents:

  1. Motivation letter;
  2. CV including a list of publications, conference presentations, and other awards;
  3. Ph.D. diploma or certificate of participation in studies at the moment;
  4. Recommendation letter confirming skills necessary for completing the project;
  5. Other documents, that in the opinion of the candidate are important when considering him/her for the position.

Applications should be sent to:

Prof dr hab. Andrzej Ciereszko, deadline July 8, 2022 until 3:00 p.m. The subject of the message should be „Call for Post-doc Researcher/OPUS”.

In your CV, please include a consent clause for the processing of personal data in the recruitment process:

„I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the application documents by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, in order to carry out the recruitment process and publishing the full results of the competition on the Institute’s website”.

Information clause:

  1. The administrator of personal data processed as part of the recruitment process is the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, phone no. 89 523 46 86, e-mail:
  2. Contact with the personal data protection officer is possible at the above-mentioned address.
  3. The provided personal data will be processed in order to carry out the current recruitment process and kept until its completion on the basis of expressed consent (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
  4. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  5. You have the right to access your personal data, request their rectification or removal. Submitting a request to delete data is tantamount to resignation from participation in the recruitment process. In addition, you have the right to request the restriction of processing in the cases specified in art. 18 GDPR.
  6. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office against the unlawful processing of his personal data. This authority will be competent to consider the complaint, provided that the right to file a complaint concerns only the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, and not the recruitment process.
  7. Your data will not be profiled or made available to entities or third countries. The recipients of the data may be institutions authorized by law.
  8. Providing your personal data is not obligatory, but it is a necessary condition to participate in the recruitment process. 


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Post-doctoral Bioinformatician

Job Title – Post-doctoral Bioinformatician

Employer – Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Olsztyn, Poland

Job Description – The Lab of Dr Antonio Galvao is recruiting an experienced computational biologist to integrate the research programme on ovarian function in mouse models for maternal obesity. The escalating epidemic of overweight and obesity is a major burden for our health systems. Obesity leads to long-term health problems, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or infertility. In the lab we use mouse models and/or in vitro systems of ovarian/follicular culture to study the impact of maternal obesity in ovarian function and oocyte biology. The project investigates particularly the impact of altered leptin signalling in the ovary, a major feature of obese mothers, on the establishment of oocyte epigenome and metabolic regulations in both gamete and surrounding granulosa cells throughout folliculogenesis. The present research programme benefits from the close collaboration with the Laboratory of Dr Gavin Kelsey, Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK, a world leader in single cell transcriptome and methylome analysis. The appointed scientist will be responsible for undertaking the analysis of methylome, transcriptome and lipidome datasets generated within the programme.

The work will be dry-lab based mainly, data analysis and reporting.

This work will lead to important advances in our understanding of the impact of altered leptin signalling in oocyte epigenome establishment, profiling also metabolic and gene expression changes in granulosa cells and other underlying mechanisms.

Key areas of responsibility:

  • Quality control of NGS datasets,
  • Providing high-level support in bioinformatic analysis of genome-wide epigenomic datasets,
  • Integration and analysis of RNA-seq, BS-seq and other relevant datasets,
  • Application of bioinformatics methods to single-cell datasets,
  • Preparation of manuscripts, including sequence dataset submission to public repositories.

Person specification: Essential

  • Ph.D. in Bioinformatics or Computational biology, or Ph.D. in a Molecular biology or related discipline with a strong Bioinformatics component,
  • Working knowledge of epigenomic and transcriptomic analyses,
  • Programming in some of the main languages used in Bioinformatics (in particular R, Python, Java),
  • Working understanding of statistics and statistical programming environments,
  • Able to understand and communicate in English to a level appropriate for the position,
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team,
  • Excellent organisational skills, with good time management,
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate with staff at all levels,
  • Proactive, motivated, showing initiative to move projects forward,
  • Ability to make independent decisions and solve routine problems.

The post is initially available for 36 months, with the salary range of 85 000 – 98 000 PLN / year (before taxes/brutto), based on experience. Applications should be send to the address: and will be accepted until 10th of June 2022. Interviews will be held soon after. We contact selected candidates who meet the requirements listed in the job offer.

Documents to present with the application:

  • Cover letter highlighting the suitability of the candidate to the post (max 2 pages),
  • CV (max 6 pages),
  • One contact reference (one of letters must be from the last supervisor/line manager).

For informal questions about the post please contact Dr Galvao (

For more information, please consult:


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Call for a position of a Post-doctoral Researcher in an NCN project SONATA 15

Name of the Institute:

Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research Polish Academy of Sciences

Name of the position:

Post-doctoral Researcher in an NCN project SONATA 15 entitled „The interaction of T helper cell subsets with endometrial fibroblasts in processes associated to development of mare endometrosis”.

Description of the position:

The candidate will participate in the following research tasks:

  1. Investigation of changes in percentages of endometrial subsets of Th 17 cells in the course of endometrosis.
  2. Investigation of the role of Th 17 cell subsets in processes associated to the development of mare endometrosis
  3. Determination of the effect of IL-17 on ECM remodeling and fibrogenesis in mare endometrial fibroblast.

Conditions of work:

  • The elected candidate will receive a monthly salary of around 5000 zł per month (netto),
  • Location of the workplace: Zespół Immunologii i Patologii Rozrodu – IRZiBŻ ul. Bydgoska 7, 10-243 Olsztyn,
  • Date of beginning of the employment: 01.07.2022,
  • Length of work contract: 11 months.


  1. Ph.D. in biotechnology, biology, veterinary or related discipline (obtained not earlier than 7 years before the date of the announcement, a degree should be obtained outside the Institution where the project will be carried out);
  2. Knowledge in the field of molecular biology, reproduction and immunology;
  3. Experience with the following techniques: ELISA, Western blot, qPCR, and immunofluorescence staining of proteins in the cell;
  4. Experience with primary cell isolation and culture;
  5. At least one international internship (minimum 3 months in length);
  6. First authorship of at least 5 scientific papers;
  7. Ability to communicate easily in English;
  8. Ability to work in a group.

Interested candidates are asked to provide the following documents:

  1. Motivation letter;
  2. CV including a list of publications, conference presentations, and other awards;
  3. Ph.D. diploma or certificate of participation in studies at the moment;
  4. Recommendation letter from a scientific mentor, confirming skills necessary for completing the project;
  5. Documents confirming proficiency in foreign languages;
  6. Other documents, that in the opinion of the candidate are important when considering him/her for the position.

Applications should be sent to:

Dr. Anna Szóstek-Mioduchowska
Deadline: 13.05.2022 until 3:00 p.m
The subject of the message should be „Call for Post-doc Researcher/SONATA”.

In your CV, please include a consent clause for the processing of personal data in the recruitment process:

„I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the application documents by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, in order to carry out the recruitment process and publishing the full results of the competition on the Institute’s website”.

Information clause:

  1. The administrator of personal data processed as part of the recruitment process is the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, phone no. 89 523 46 86, e-mail:
  2. Contact with the personal data protection officer is possible at the above-mentioned address.
  3. The provided personal data will be processed in order to carry out the current recruitment process and kept until its completion on the basis of expressed consent (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
  4. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
  5. You have the right to access your personal data, request their rectification or removal. Submitting a request to delete data is tantamount to resignation from participation in the recruitment process. In addition, you have the right to request the restriction of processing in the cases specified in art. 18 GDPR.
  6. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office against the unlawful processing of his personal data. This authority will be competent to consider the complaint, provided that the right to file a complaint concerns only the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, and not the recruitment process.
  7. Your data will not be profiled or made available to entities or third countries. The recipients of the data may be institutions authorized by law.
  8. Providing your personal data is not obligatory, but it is a necessary condition to participate in the recruitment process. 

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Maternal obesity and epigenetic and metabolic regulations during… – Ph.D. Sudent

The Lab of Dr Antonio Galvao is recruiting PhD student to undertake in vitro/in vivo work in ovarian function in mouse models for maternal obesity. The escalating epidemic of overweight and obesity is a major burden for our health systems. Obesity leads to long-term health problems, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or infertility. In the lab we use mouse models and/or in vitro systems of ovarian/follicular culture to study the impact of maternal obesity in ovarian function and oocyte biology. The project investigates particularly the impact of altered leptin signalling in the ovary, a major feature of obese mothers, on the establishment of oocyte epigenome and metabolic regulations in both gamete and surrounding granulosa cells throughout folliculogenesis. The present research programme benefits from the close collaboration with the Laboratory of Dr Gavin Kelsey, Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK, a world leader in single cell transcriptome and methylome analysis. The appointed student will be responsible for leading his/her own research projects and mainly working closely with other members of the team. The job holder will use mouse and cell based experimental systems to carry out transcriptome, methylome and lipidome analysis. Studies may extend to engineered cell lines to validate new findings. Training in multiomic analysis will be provided through the present network.

This work will lead to important advances in our understanding of the impact of altered leptin signalling in oocyte epigenome establishment, profiling also metabolic and gene expression changes in granulosa cells and other underlying mechanisms.

Person specification (desired skills):

  • MSc in molecular biology, cell signalling or related biological discipline,
  • Basic knowledge on cell signalling studies (desired),
  • Previous experience in mammalian cell culture (desired),
  • Previous experience in gene expression analysis (qPCR, WB, IF & IHC),
  • Able to understand and communicate in the English to a level appropriate for the position,
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team,
  • Excellent organisational skills, with good time management,
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate with staff at all levels.


  • Maximum scholarship duration: 4 years,
  • Type of position: PhD scholarship,
  • Position: doctoral student,
  • PhD scholarship: 4 276 PLN per month (~3700 PLN net salary).

Documents to present with the application:

  • Cover letter highlighting the suitability of the candidate to the post (max 2 pages),
  • CV (max 6 pages),
  • One contact reference (one of letters must be from the last supervisor/line manager).

Applications will be accepted until 15st of October 2021 and interviews will be held soon after. For informal questions about the post please contact Dr Galvao (

For more information, please consult:


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2021 Professorship Call at IARFR PAS, ERA Chair [Nutrigenomics]

Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences (IAR&FR PAS) is looking for an experienced researcher with leadership skills to establish an interdisciplinary research group to conduct cutting edge omics based research in the area of nutrition.

This position offers independence and autonomy of research as well as it requires experience in initiation and preparation of national and international grant applications.

Please download full announcement, if interested.

Files: 2021 Professorship Call at IAR&FR PAS, Poland


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