The research on protein modifications carried out by Dr. Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska and co-authors has enabled a better understanding of capacitation and the disruption of this process in the semen of livestock, including the bull.
Mammalian sperm, immediately after ejaculation, are not capable of fertilizing an egg. For fertilization to occur, the sperm must undergo a series of biochemical modifications in the female’s oviduct to make it capable of fusing with the egg cell. This process is called capacitation.
Disorders of the process of sperm „conditioning” are one of the most common causes of idiopathic male infertility, unrelated to sperm motility and morphology. For this reason, capacitation rates are increasingly being studied in the diagnosis of infertility, in addition to standard analyses of sperm motility and morphology.
It is known that capacitation disorders can also occur in livestock, but there are few studies describing this problem. However, it is of importance for breeding progress.
The research conducted by Dr. Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska and co-authors on protein modifications has provided a better understanding of capacitation and disorders of this process in livestock spermatozoa. This, in turn, gives hope for the development of effective methods of detecting fertility abnormalities and improvements of cattle breeding. The article “New insights into posttranslational modifications of proteins during bull sperm capacitation” have been recently published in Cell Communication and Signaling. Go to the paper.
Badania nad modyfikacjami białek przeprowadzone przez dr Agnieszkę Mostek-Majewską i współautorów umożliwiły lepsze zrozumienie kapacytacji oraz zaburzeń tego procesu w plemnikach zwierząt gospodarskich, w tym buhaja.
Plemniki ssaków, bezpośrednio po ejakulacji, nie są zdolne do zapłodnienia komórki jajowej. Aby mogło dojść do zapłodnienia, plemniki muszą przejść w jajowodzie samicy szereg biochemicznych modyfikacji, dzięki którym staną się zdolne do połączenia z komórką jajową. Proces ten nazywamy kapacytacją.
Zaburzenia procesu „uzdatniania” plemników są jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn idiopatycznej, niezwiązanej z ruchliwością i morfologią plemników, bezpłodności męskiej. Z tego powodu coraz częściej w diagnostyce bezpłodności, oprócz standardowych analiz ruchliwości i morfologii plemników, bada się również wskaźniki kapacytacji.
Wiadomo, że zaburzenia kapacytacji mogą występować również u zwierząt gospodarskich, jednak istnieje niewiele badań opisujących ten problem. Ma to jednak znaczenie dla postępu hodowlanego.
Przeprowadzone przez dr Agnieszkę Mostek-Majewską i współautorów badania nad modyfikacjami białek umożliwiły lepsze zrozumienie kapacytacji oraz zaburzeń tego procesu w plemnikach zwierząt gospodarskich. To z kolei daje nadzieję na opracowanie skutecznych metod wykrywania nieprawidłowości związanych z płodnością i usprawnienie hodowli bydła.
Artykuł „New insights into posttranslational modifications of proteins during bull sperm capacitation” opublikowano w czasopiśmie Cell Communication and Signaling. Przeczytaj całość.
Film przedstawiający najważniejsze wnioski z publikacji:
Lymphocytes are white blood cells that regulate the immune system. If they have some „experience”, e.g. with an allergenic protein and get transplanted into another organism, then such a transfer will strengthen the immune reaction and the body will start to defend itself better against this protein.
Such an experiment was conducted by scientists from our Institute. They showed that transplanted CD4+ T cells that were in contact with hen’s egg white enhanced the immune response to it. The results were published in the International Journal of Molecular Science.
– The results of our research may be a step towards developing methods of treating patients with allergies – emphasizes the author of the research, Dr. Dagmara Złotkowska from the Department of Immunology and Food Microbiology IAR&FR PAS in Olsztyn.
A food allergy is an abnormal reaction of the body’s immune system to a specific compound, which is an allergen. So it is a type of food hypersensitivity that causes unwanted food reactions, involving the immune system.
In the fight against food allergies, T lymphocytes, i.e. white blood cells, play an important role in regulating the immune system response. – This is a group of cells specializing in defending our body against the undesirable effects of potential allergens – explains Dr. Dagmara Złotkowska.
If we „teached” cells how to recognize and neutralize specific allergenic proteins, these „teachers” could be transferred (e.g. in the form of vaccines) to the body of allergy sufferers to minimize its immune response. – This can be compared to the mechanism of the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19, where – to put it simply – we do not provide the cells with a virus, but with a „set of instructions” on how to produce antibodies – the researcher points out.
The team from the Department of Immunology and Food Microbiology of IAR&FR PAS in Olsztyn focused on allergy to hen’s egg protein and the possibility of cross-reactivity with chicken meat proteins. This meat is a common component of the modern diet; allergy to them is relatively rare and occurs independently or in people allergic to egg white (OVA, or ovalbumin, is the main protein found in egg white). CD4+ T cells, on the other hand, are special immune cells that recognize allergens, including the OVA protein.
The experiment involved transplanting experienced (those that had already been in contact with OVA) CD4+ T cells into the body of an animal that was allergic to OVA and fed chicken meat. – It turned out that such a transfer helped to improve the negative immune response to OVA, that is, it strengthened the body’s immune response to the OVA protein, which was previously not recognized and fought off by the immune system. To put it simple, the body began to defend itself better against this protein – indicates Dr. Dagmara Złotkowska.
The approach of the researchers from Olsztyn is innovative and may contribute to the development of treatment methods for patients with allergies. – So far, the most effective way to treat food allergy is to exercise the elimination diet – which eliminates not only allergens, but also other cross-reacting proteins. I doubt whether we will find a „cure” for allergy in the near future, because many factors and mechanisms affecting it are still not known. The results of our research may, however, be a step towards developing methods of treating patients with allergies, e.g. by giving them „trained” groups of cells that could reduce the immune response to a given allergen. There are still many years of research ahead of us, but the direction seems promising – the researcher concludes.
Limfocyty to białe krwinki, które regulują pracę układu odpornościowego. Jeśli się je „doświadczy” np. kontaktem z alergizującym białkiem i przeszczepi do innego organizmu, wówczas taki transfer wzmocni reakcję immunologiczną, a organizm zacznie się lepiej bronić przed tym białkiem.
Takie doświadczenie przeprowadzili naukowcy z naszego Instytutu. Wykazali, że przeszczepione komórki T CD4+, które miały kontakt z białkiem jaja kurzego wzmocniły odpowiedź immunologiczną na nie. Wyniki ukazały się w czasopiśmie „International Journal of Molecular Science” .
– Wyniki naszych badań mogą stanowić krok w stronę opracowania metod leczenia pacjentów z alergią – podkreśla autorka badań dr hab. Dagmara Złotkowska z Zespołu Immunologii i Mikrobiologii Żywności IRZiBŻ PAN w Olsztynie.
Alergia pokarmowa to nieprawidłowa reakcja układu odpornościowego organizmu na specyficzny związek, jakim jest alergen. Jest to więc rodzaj nadwrażliwości pokarmowej, która powoduje niepożądane reakcje pokarmowe, angażując układ immunologiczny.
W zwalczaniu alergii pokarmowych istotną rolę odgrywają limfocyty T, czyli białe krwinki, regulujące odpowiedź układu immunologicznego. – To grupa komórek specjalizująca się w obronie naszego organizmu przed niepożądanym działaniem potencjalnych alergenów – tłumaczy dr hab. Dagmara Złotkowska.
Gdybyśmy „nauczyli” komórki, jak rozpoznawać i neutralizować konkretne alergizujące białka, można by transferować tych „nauczycieli” (np. w postaci szczepionek) do organizmu alergików, by zminimalizowali jego odpowiedź immunologiczną. – Można to porównać do mechanizmu szczepionki mRNA przeciw COVID-19, gdzie – w dużym uproszczeniu – nie podaje się komórkom wirusa, ale „instrukcję w pigułce”, jak wytwarzać przeciwciała – wskazuje badaczka.
Zespół z Zespołu Immunologii i Mikrobiologii Żywności IRZiBŻ PAN w Olsztynie skupił się na alergii na białko jaja kurzego i możliwości krzyżowej reaktywności z białkami mięsa kurczaka. Mięso to jest częstym składnikiem współczesnej diety; alergia na nie jest stosunkowo rzadka i występuje niezależnie lub właśnie u osób uczulonych na białko jaj (OVA, czyli owalbumina, to główne białko występujące w białku jaj). Z kolei komórki T CD4+ to specjalne komórki odpornościowe, które rozpoznają alergeny w tym białko OVA.
Eksperyment polegał na przeszczepieniu doświadczonych (czyli tych, które już miały kontakt z OVA) komórek T CD4+ do organizmu zwierzęcia, które wykazywało alergię na OVA i któremu podawano mięso kurcząt. – Okazało się, że taki transfer pomógł poprawić negatywną odpowiedź immunologiczną na OVA, czyli wzmocnił reakcję immunologiczną organizmu na białko OVA, które wcześniej nie było rozpoznawane i zwalczane przez układ odpornościowy. Mówiąc wprost, organizm zaczął się lepiej bronić przed tym białkiem – wskazuje dr hab. Dagmara Złotkowska.
Podejście badaczy z Olsztyna jest nowatorskie i może przyczynić się do opracowania metod leczenia pacjentów z alergią. – Jak dotąd najskuteczniejszym sposobem na leczenie alergii pokarmowej jest metoda diety eliminacyjnej – która eliminuje nie tylko alergeny, ale także te inne białka reagujące krzyżowo. Wątpię, czy w najbliższym czasie znajdziemy „lek” na alergię, ponieważ wciąż wiele czynników i mechanizmów na nią wpływających nie jest jeszcze poznanych. Wyniki naszych badań mogą jednak stanowić krok w stronę opracowania metod leczenia pacjentów z alergią np. poprzez podawanie im „nauczonych” grup komórek, które mogłyby obniżać odpowiedź immunologiczną na dany alergen. Jeszcze wiele lat badań przed nami, ale kierunek wydaje się być obiecujący – podsumowuje badaczka.
Food Tech/Nutrition/Biology PhD Students (2 positions) in OPUS 23 project: „Effect of intestinal microbiota modulation induced by the chicory inulin-type β-fructans on metabolic parameters and biomarkers of the gut-skin axis in chronic skin inflammation”
Recruitment call for the OPUS 23 project entitled „Effect of intestinal microbiota modulation induced by the chicory inulin-type β-fructans on metabolic parameters and biomarkers of the gut-skin axis in chronic skin inflammation” led by dr hab. Urszula Krupa-Kozak at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, Poland.
Project description:
This interdisciplinary project was designed for 4 year duration. During this period an 8-week nutritional intervention using a prebiotic vs. placebo will be conducted to analyze the supplement influence on the spectrum of parameters starting from the characteristic of intestinal microbiota, through metabolic parameters (oxidative stress parameters, VOCs) till the gut barrier functionality and inflammatory mediators. This study is a placebo-controlled RCT on patients with mild psoriasis as a model of chronic skin inflammation.
PhD student 1 will be involved in tasks related to the analysis of intestinal microbiota profile using 16S rRNA and advanced statistical methods, and analysis of metabolites related to microbiota activity (SCFA) using HPLC. In addition, PhD student will be involved in all other research tasks, starting from the biological material collection (blood, urine, feces, skin), data collection, interpretation, and statistical analysis, and manuscript writing.
PhD student 2 will be involved in tasks related to the determination of the whole gut barrier permeability assessment including the functional assay (multi-sugars absorption test) and the concentration of biomarkers of intestinal barrier functionality, in addition, will be involved in all other research tasks, starting from the biological material collection (blood, urine, feces, skin), data collection, interpretation and statistical analysis, manuscripts preparation.
Application deadline:
June 30th, 2023 (23:59:59 Warsaw)
How to apply:
Send your documentation (listed in eligibility criteria section) to: within the deadline (sooner the better).
Please include „PhD application” in message titile.
Position opening date:
Position will be open since October 1, 2023.
Requirements for the candidates:
Higher (second degree) education in the field of biological sciences (biotechnology, biology) or related;
Knowledge of biochemistry, microbiology, gut characteristics, physiology, and human nutrition;
Knowledge of modern analytical techniques (chromatographic methods; ELISA, mass spectrometry);
Good knowledge of English in speech and writing;
Practical experience in laboratory work and basic molecular biology techniques;
Good knowledge of the bioinformatic tools;
Ability to write scientific and/or popular science papers and present results;
Availability, motivation for scientific work, good organization of work;
Previous participation in the research projects and scientific manuscript writing will be an additional advantage;
Highly appreciated scientific enthusiasm!
Conditions of employment:
Maximum duration of the scholarship: 48 months;
The amount of the doctoral scholarship: PLN 5000 gross per month;
The selected candidates must become a participant in the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Agricultural Sciences co-run by IRZBŻ PAS in Olsztyn;
PhD will be realized in the IAR&FR, PAS in cooperation with the Dermatology Clinic of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the Faculty of Human Nutrition of Warsaw University of Life Sciences;
We offer full support in assimilation process (help in settlement and living in Poland).
Eligibility criteria:
Complete application documentation:
CV containing:
education path,
details of the Master’s thesis (title, supervision, date of obtaining/date of defense planned),
competences to perform tasks planned in the project (mainly laboratory skills).
Cover letter,
Recommendation letter (preferably by Master’s thesis supervisor / mentor / project manager);
Master’s degree (or planned graduation for 2023);
Applying before the deadline;
Consent to the processing of personal data.
In your CV or e-mail message, please include a clause of consent to the processing of personal data by us in the recruitment process:
„I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the application documents by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn with its registered office at 10-748 Olsztyn ul. Tuwima 10, in order to carry out the recruitment process (in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC).
Selection process:
Selected candidates will be invited to an on-line interview, to present themselves; candidates will be asked to prepare a presentation regarding their Master thesis and practical methods they were using along the process.
Candidates evaluated with the highest score will be invited to the 2nd stage interview, which will take place face-to-face or online.
During the interview, the candidate will be asked to deliver a 10-minute speech, presenting his/her own idea about the implementation of the project for which he/she is applying (based od the project concept).
The 2nd stage interview will be considered as the recruitment interview to the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn (admission to the doctoral school is a prerequisite for receiving a scholarship).
Admissions to the doctoral school and the project will be announced on the doctoral school website.
Note: Candidates are entitled to a right of complaint within 14 days from the final results announcement. Complaints (with justification) should be addressed to the Institute’s HR Manager ( HR Manager is obliged to respond the complaint within 14 working days.
Data processing information
The administrator of personal data processed as part of the recruitment process is the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, phone no. 89 523 46 86, e-mail:
Contact with the personal data protection officer is possible at the above-mentioned address.
The provided personal data will be processed in order to carry out the current recruitment process and kept until its completion on the basis of expressed consent (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
You have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
You have the right to access your personal data, request their rectification or removal. Submitting a request to delete data is tantamount to resignation from participation in the recruitment process. In addition, you have the right to request the restriction of processing in the cases specified in art. 18 GDPR.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office against the unlawful processing of his personal data. This authority will be competent to consider the complaint, provided that the right to file a complaint concerns only the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, and not the recruitment process.
Your data will not be profiled or made available to entities or third countries. The recipients of the data may be institutions authorized by law.
Providing your personal data is not obligatory, but it is a necessary condition to participate in the recruitment process.
Food Tech/Nutrition/Biology PhD Students (2 positions) in OPUS 23 project: „Effect of intestinal microbiota modulation induced by the chicory inulin-type β-fructans on metabolic parameters and biomarkers of the gut-skin axis in chronic skin inflammation”
Recruitment call for the OPUS 23 project entitled „Effect of intestinal microbiota modulation induced by the chicory inulin-type β-fructans on metabolic parameters and biomarkers of the gut-skin axis in chronic skin inflammation” led by dr hab. Urszula Krupa-Kozak at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, Poland.
Project description:
This interdisciplinary project was designed for 4 year duration. During this period an 8-week nutritional intervention using a prebiotic vs. placebo will be conducted to analyze the supplement influence on the spectrum of parameters starting from the characteristic of intestinal microbiota, through metabolic parameters (oxidative stress parameters, VOCs) till the gut barrier functionality and inflammatory mediators. This study is a placebo-controlled RCT on patients with mild psoriasis as a model of chronic skin inflammation.
PhD student 1 will be involved in tasks related to the analysis of intestinal microbiota profile using 16S rRNA and advanced statistical methods, and analysis of metabolites related to microbiota activity (SCFA) using HPLC. In addition, PhD student will be involved in all other research tasks, starting from the biological material collection (blood, urine, feces, skin), data collection, interpretation, and statistical analysis, and manuscript writing.
PhD student 2 will be involved in tasks related to the determination of the whole gut barrier permeability assessment including the functional assay (multi-sugars absorption test) and the concentration of biomarkers of intestinal barrier functionality, in addition, will be involved in all other research tasks, starting from the biological material collection (blood, urine, feces, skin), data collection, interpretation and statistical analysis, manuscripts preparation.
Application deadline:
June 30th, 2023 (23:59:59 Warsaw)
How to apply:
Send your documentation (listed in eligibility criteria section) to: within the deadline (sooner the better).
Please include „PhD application” in message titile.
Position opening date:
Position will be open since October 1, 2023.
Requirements for the candidates:
Higher (second degree) education in the field of biological sciences (biotechnology, biology) or related;
Knowledge of biochemistry, microbiology, gut characteristics, physiology, and human nutrition;
Knowledge of modern analytical techniques (chromatographic methods; ELISA, mass spectrometry);
Good knowledge of English in speech and writing;
Practical experience in laboratory work and basic molecular biology techniques;
Good knowledge of the bioinformatic tools;
Ability to write scientific and/or popular science papers and present results;
Availability, motivation for scientific work, good organization of work;
Previous participation in the research projects and scientific manuscript writing will be an additional advantage;
Highly appreciated scientific enthusiasm!
Conditions of employment:
Maximum duration of the scholarship: 48 months;
The amount of the doctoral scholarship: PLN 5000 gross per month;
The selected candidates must become a participant in the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Agricultural Sciences co-run by IRZBŻ PAS in Olsztyn;
PhD will be realized in the IAR&FR, PAS in cooperation with the Dermatology Clinic of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the Faculty of Human Nutrition of Warsaw University of Life Sciences;
We offer full support in assimilation process (help in settlement and living in Poland).
Eligibility criteria:
Complete application documentation:
CV containing:
education path,
details of the Master’s thesis (title, supervision, date of obtaining/date of defense planned),
competences to perform tasks planned in the project (mainly laboratory skills).
Cover letter,
Recommendation letter (preferably by Master’s thesis supervisor / mentor / project manager);
Master’s degree (or planned graduation for 2023);
Applying before the deadline;
Consent to the processing of personal data.
In your CV or e-mail message, please include a clause of consent to the processing of personal data by us in the recruitment process:
„I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the application documents by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn with its registered office at 10-748 Olsztyn ul. Tuwima 10, in order to carry out the recruitment process (in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC).
Selection process:
Selected candidates will be invited to an on-line interview, to present themselves; candidates will be asked to prepare a presentation regarding their Master thesis and practical methods they were using along the process.
Candidates evaluated with the highest score will be invited to the 2nd stage interview, which will take place face-to-face or online.
During the interview, the candidate will be asked to deliver a 10-minute speech, presenting his/her own idea about the implementation of the project for which he/she is applying (based od the project concept).
The 2nd stage interview will be considered as the recruitment interview to the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn (admission to the doctoral school is a prerequisite for receiving a scholarship).
Admissions to the doctoral school and the project will be announced on the doctoral school website.
Note: Candidates are entitled to a right of complaint within 14 days from the final results announcement. Complaints (with justification) should be addressed to the Institute’s HR Manager ( HR Manager is obliged to respond the complaint within 14 working days.
Data processing information
The administrator of personal data processed as part of the recruitment process is the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, phone no. 89 523 46 86, e-mail:
Contact with the personal data protection officer is possible at the above-mentioned address.
The provided personal data will be processed in order to carry out the current recruitment process and kept until its completion on the basis of expressed consent (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
You have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
You have the right to access your personal data, request their rectification or removal. Submitting a request to delete data is tantamount to resignation from participation in the recruitment process. In addition, you have the right to request the restriction of processing in the cases specified in art. 18 GDPR.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office against the unlawful processing of his personal data. This authority will be competent to consider the complaint, provided that the right to file a complaint concerns only the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, and not the recruitment process.
Your data will not be profiled or made available to entities or third countries. The recipients of the data may be institutions authorized by law.
Providing your personal data is not obligatory, but it is a necessary condition to participate in the recruitment process.
communication skills and very good organization of work
ability to work in a team and independently
The candidate will participate in the following tasks:
conducting research related to the development of new analytical platforms and systems that are used in the construction of electrochemical (bio)sensors for food analysis and medical diagnostics
Candidate’s qualifications and experience:
PhD degree in the discipline of chemical or biological sciences or related sciences
knowledge of electroanalytical methods of analysis, in particular voltammetric methods
knowledge and experience in the construction of (bio)electrochemical sensors
documented scientific achievements
Additional skills:
good knowledge of English in speaking and writing
the ability to prepare reports and present the results of scientific work
completed scientific internship
Working conditions:
work on working days, with the possibility of task work in the case of specific experiments
work in a team focused on innovative projects
the opportunity to acquire new competences and raise qualifications
participation in activities aimed at popularizing science
Required documents:
copy of university diploma,
cover letter,
references (not obligatory).
The documents should be sent by e-mail to Mrs. Joanna Papurzyńska (Human Resources Specialist):
or by the post to the following address:
Mrs. Joanna Papurzyńska Human Resources Specialist Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research Polish Academy of Sciences Tuwima Street 10 10-748 OLSZTYN
The deadline for sending the documents is September 15, 2023, at 12 a.m.
In your CV, please include a consent clause for the processing of personal data in the recruitment process:
„I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the application documents by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, in order to carry out the recruitment process and publishing the full results of the competition on the Institute’s website.”
Information clause:
The administrator of personal data processed as part of the recruitment process is the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, 10-748 Olsztyn, ul. Tuwima 10, phone no. 89 523 46 86, e-mail:
Contact with the personal data protection officer is possible at the above-mentioned address.
The provided personal data will be processed in order to carry out the current recruitment process and kept until its completion on the basis of expressed consent (in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).
You have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
You have the right to access your personal data, request their rectification or removal. Submitting a request to delete data is tantamount to resignation from participation in the recruitment process. In addition, you have the right to request the restriction of processing in the cases specified in art. 18 GDPR.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office against the unlawful processing of his personal data. This authority will be competent to consider the complaint, provided that the right to file a complaint concerns only the lawfulness of the processing of personal data, and not the recruitment process.
Your data will not be profiled or made available to entities or third countries. The recipients of the data may be institutions authorized by law.
Providing your personal data is not obligatory, but it is a necessary condition to participate in the recruitment process.
prowadzenie badań związanych z opracowywaniem nowych platform i systemów analitycznych, które znajdują zastosowanie do konstrukcji (bio)czujników elektrochemicznych do analizy żywności i diagnostyki medycznej
Wymagania wobec kwalifikacji i doświadczenia kandydata:
stopień doktora w dyscyplinie nauki chemiczne lub biologiczne lub pokrewnych
znajomość metod elektroanalitycznych analizy, w szczególności woltamperometrycznych
wiedza i doświadczenie w konstrukcji (bio)czujników elektrochemicznych
udokumentowany dorobek naukowy
Dodatkowe wymagania:
dobra znajomość języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie
umiejętność przygotowywania raportów i prezentacji wyników prac naukowych
odbyty staż naukowy
Warunki pracy:
praca w dni robocze, z możliwością pracy zadaniowej w przypadku realizacji specyficznych doświadczeń
praca w zespole ukierunkowanym na nowatorskie projekty
możliwość zdobywania nowych kompetencji i podnoszenia kwalifikacji
udział w działaniach mających na celu popularyzację nauki
Wymagane dokumenty:
kopia dyplomu ukończenia studiów wyższych i uzyskania stopnia doktora,
Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt Badań Żywności PAN Dział Kadr ul. Tuwima 10 10-748 Olsztyn
Termin składania dokumentów upływa w dniu 15.09.2023 r. o godz. 12.00.
W CV prosimy o umieszczenie klauzuli zgody na przetwarzanie przez nas danych osobowych w procesie rekrutacji:
„Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w dokumentach aplikacyjnych przez Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności PAN w Olsztynie z siedzibą 10-748 Olsztyn ul. Tuwima 10, w celu realizacji procesu rekrutacji wraz z publikacją na stronie internetowej Instytutu pełnych wyników konkursu.”
Klauzula informacyjna:
Administratorem danych osobowych przetwarzanych w ramach procesu rekrutacji jest Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności PAN w Olsztynie z siedzibą 10-748 Olsztyn ul. Tuwima 10, tel. 89 523 46 86, e-mail:
Kontakt z inspektorem ochrony danych osobowych jest możliwy pod w/w adresem.
Podane dane osobowe przetwarzane będą w celu realizacji obecnego procesu rekrutacji i przechowywane do czasu jego zakończenia na podstawie wyrażonej zgody (zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a RODO).
Osobie której dane dotyczą przysługuje prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej cofnięciem.
Osobie, której dane dotyczą przysługuje prawo dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, żądania ich sprostowania lub usunięcia. Wniesienie żądania usunięcia danych jest równoznaczne z rezygnacją z udziału w procesie niniejszej rekrutacji. Ponadto przysługuje jej prawo do żądania ograniczenia przetwarzania w przypadkach określonych w art. 18 RODO.
Osobie, której dane dotyczą, przysługuje prawo do wniesienia skargi do prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych na niezgodne z prawem przetwarzanie jej danych osobowych. Organ ten będzie właściwy do rozpatrzenia skargi z tym, że prawo wniesienia skargi dotyczy wyłącznie zgodności z prawem przetwarzania danych osobowych, nie dotyczy zaś przebiegu rekrutacji.
Dane udostępnione nie będą podlegały profilowaniu ani udostępnieniu podmiotom czy państwom trzecim. Odbiorcami danych mogą być instytucje upoważnione z mocy prawa.
Podanie danych zawartych w dokumentach rekrutacyjnych nie jest obowiązkowe, jednak jest warunkiem koniecznym do udziału w procesie rekrutacji.
DYREKTOR i RADA NAUKOWA Instytutu Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności PAN w Olsztynie mają zaszczyt zaprosić na publiczną obronę rozprawy doktorskiej na stopień doktora nauk rolniczych w dyscyplinie technologia żywności i żywienia:
The year 2022 was the time when the Institute met the global requirements for open access. During this time, a number of tasks were completed to implement the Open Access Policy and fulfill its provisions.
In addition to the aforementioned policy, a Research Data Management Policy has also been developed and implemented. Training for employees was conducted in the scope of both of these documents. A data management plan template has also been prepared, which is available to employees at this link (Research Management Guidance).
In 2022, the employees of the Institute published a total of 171 scientific and review articles, of which 113 were published in journals supporting open access. Thus, the number of papers published in open access accounted for 66.08% of all papers published with the affiliation of IARFR PAS.
In the same period, employees received 21 projects financed from external sources. 18 of them are funded by the National Science Center and have data management plans that regulate issues of open access to scientific publications and research data. 1 project is intended to financially support the Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, which is a journal supporting open access.
As part of implementing the provisions of the Policy, we managed to acquire and launch an IT infrastructure that increases the security of stored data. Its use has been included in the research data management plan template used in the preparation of research project proposals.
We also managed to prepare a research data management plan in line with the requirements of Horizon 2020 for the project „Welcoming ERA Chair to Center of excellence in nutrigenomics for optimizing health and well-being in the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences”, which was one of the project implementation indicators. This information is a summary of the report on the implementation of the Open Access Policy at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn in 2022.