EIT Food #FoodScienceClass

The Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn…

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Institute wins grants of the National Center for Science

Scientists from our Institute received funding for implementation of research projects…

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SCIENCE SOS – let’s talk about food!

Let’s talk about food. Join the #AnnualFoodAgenda “Science SOS” action and engage with food researchers…

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5th Symposium: Perspectives in the protection of biodiversity

We invite you to participate in the next, fifth edition Symposium „Perspectives in biodiversity…

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Eugenol and Spermidine new allies against SARS-CoV-2 in 2021

The SPIN nutritional supplement combining spermidine and eugenol may prove to have…

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Researchers’ Night with EIT Food

On 27th of November we will celebrate the European Researchers’ Night…

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Connecting the dots: the complexity of food systems

Food systems are complex, and we can all play a part in ensuring that they are resilient and sustainable…

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SPIN project developing nutritional supplement to support immune system in the fight against…

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