Scientific achievement of an interdisciplinary team of scientists with the participation of Prof. Jerzy Juśkiewicz and Prof. Zenon Zduńczyk received the Distinction of the Committee of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2021.

Achievement „Technologies for a significant reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases, nitrogen and phosphorus to the natural environment without a negative impact on the production results of poultry” was considered outstanding and marked with a high implementation potential.

Using the technologies developed by the Team in slaughter poultry production, it is possible to i.a. ensure efficient use the feed and obtain better results of rearing chickens for slaughter, as well as reduce environmental pollution while improving the yield and quality of meat.

Awarded team led by Prof. Damian Józefiak consists of 22 scientists representing 9 scientific and research units, incl. Department of Biological Functions of Food IAR&FR PAS, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of the University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science of the National Research Institute in Balice and the Faculty of Animal Bioengineering of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.


Data publikacji: 16.06.2021