On the 6th of December we will celebrate EIT Food ZERO WASTE festival to take place during St. Nicolas Day in Poland…
EIT Food #AnnualFoodAgenda at Transition Festiwal in Copernicus Science Centre
3D food printers, mobile polyphenol tests for fruits and juices, innovative food preservation methods…
Back in the day – Researchers’ Night with EIT Food
’Cosmic’ food, superheroes on a plate, manufacture of food scientists, chemical mishmash in the kitchen, flower slow food…
#AnnualFoodAgenda: Food open to the world
3D food printers, mobile polyphenol tests for fruits and juices, innovative food preservation methods and the afterlife of food…
„You are, what you eat” – Researchers’ Night with EIT Food
Scientists manufacture, cosmic food, bacteria which sow ferment, flower slow food, superheroes on a plate…
#AnnualFoodAgenda – food trends and future consumers
Clean labels, probiotic foods, alternative protein sources, natural pigments and biohacking – these are only a few examples…
#AnnualFoodAgenda – food trends and future consumers
Clean labels, probiotic foods, alternative protein sources, natural pigments and biohacking – these are only a few examples…
#AnnualFoodAgenda – Food Trends and Future Consumers
What qualities does a „Future Consumer” have? What are the current and upcoming trends on the agri-food…