Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

November 26 – 30, 2016, dr. Radosław Kowalski, dr. Wiesław Wiczkowski and dr. Daniel Żarski, conducted a study visit to Iceland in order to identify partners and research topics that could strengthen the Institute’s potential in terms of applying for joint research and implementation projects. The seminar part of the visit took place at the headquarters of the MATIS company, where the employees of the Institute presented the potential of their research unit and its main research directions. During intensive meetings with the leaders of MATIS research teams, a list of topic areas and issues was developed for which joint project initiatives were planned. In addition, MATIS organized study visits to innovative enterprises interested in expanding cooperation and developing new products. Key Natura, Stadur-Fish Farm of the Marine Research Institute, and Zymtech are among the companies interested in running joint ventures. The meetings allowed for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and were an opportunity to get acquainted with the so-called success stories of companies that often began as university startups. Among the topics undertaken by the partners were issues related to functional food, innovative medicinal preparations of fish origin, or innovation in the aspect of fish reproduction and rearing. In the course of discussions and exchange of experiences, a joint list of 14 research topics was prepared, which over the next few years are to constitute a kind of roadmap for joint activities with Icelandic partners.