„SCIENCE is ART!” Family Picnic of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Writing secret messages with invisible ink, identifying magical antioxidants in drinks, studying fossils of Polish dinosaurs…

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Prof. Amarowicz editor of LWT – Food Science and Technology

Elsevier invited Prof. Ryszard Amarowicz do join the group of Editors of LWT – Food Science and Technology…

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New research projects

Institute’s researchers successfully reached for the next 4 research projects financed by the National Science Centre…

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Dr. Marika Ziętak with START scholarship

Dr. Marika Ziętak from the Prophylaxis of Metabolic Diseases scientific group has been awarded a prestigious scholarship…

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Towards Africa

On April 22-26, 2017 representatives of IAR&FR – Prof. Mariusz Piskuła, Prof. Barbara Wróblewska, Prof. Dariusz Skarzyński…

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A special issue of Aquaculture journal has just been released, featuring the overview of the latest achievements…

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How to feed the world?

Prof. Barbara Wróblewska is a Polish representative of the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC)…

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Prof. Monika Kaczmarek appointed to the Board of Directors of the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission

Prof. Monika Kaczmarek, head of Institute’s Molecular Biology Laboratory, joined the Board of Directors…

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