The year 2022 was the time when the Institute met the global requirements for open access. During this time, a number of tasks were completed to implement the Open Access Policy and fulfill its provisions.

In addition to the aforementioned policy, a Research Data Management Policy has also been developed and implemented. Training for employees was conducted in the scope of both of these documents. A data management plan template has also been prepared, which is available to employees at this link (Research Management Guidance).

In 2022, the employees of the Institute published a total of 171 scientific and review articles, of which 113 were published in journals supporting open access. Thus, the number of papers published in open access accounted for 66.08% of all papers published with the affiliation of IARFR PAS.

In the same period, employees received 21 projects financed from external sources. 18 of them are funded by the National Science Center and have data management plans that regulate issues of open access to scientific publications and research data. 1 project is intended to financially support the Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, which is a journal supporting open access.

As part of implementing the provisions of the Policy, we managed to acquire and launch an IT infrastructure that increases the security of stored data. Its use has been included in the research data management plan template used in the preparation of research project proposals.

We also managed to prepare a research data management plan in line with the requirements of Horizon 2020 for the project „Welcoming ERA Chair to Center of excellence in nutrigenomics for optimizing health and well-being in the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences”, which was one of the project implementation indicators. This information is a summary of the report on the implementation of the Open Access Policy at the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn in 2022.

Data publikacji: 13.04.2023