We are happy to announce that PhD student Edyta Walewska from Institute’s Department of Reproductive Immunology and Pathology has been awarded the SRF Poster Prize Winner at recent Fertility 2023 „Reproduction in an ageing world”, held in January 10-14, 2023 in Belfast. The awarded poster is entitled „Impaired decidualisation in obese mice is associated with the upregulation of leptin signalling modulators Socs3 and Ptpn2”.

The research presented at the conference was carried out as part of the following research projects funded by the National Science Centre (NCN):

  • Sonata Bis nr 2019/34/E/NZ4/00349; Principal Investigator Dr. António Galvão
  • Preludium 14 nr2019/35/N/NZ4/03496; Principal Investigator Edyta Walewska

For further information, visit the conference website.

Poster Prize Winners.


Data publikacji: 31.01.2023