General research profile
The research profile of the Department of Immunology and Food Microbiology includes issues related to the influence of dietary components contained in food on the mucosal immune system and parameters of intestinal function, as well as the modification of protein and non-protein food components under conditions similar to technological processes. The scope of ongoing research includes, among other things, lowering the immunoreactivity of proteins, analyzing their immunogenic properties on in vivo, in vitro, ex vivo and in silico models; studying the mechanisms of induction of food tolerance or allergy, and communication between the immune system and the gut microbiome. Microbiological research focuses on the detailed characterization of bacterial strains, the effects of specific dietary components on their differentiation and modification of the gut microbiome in humans as well as animals. The experimental research models used the physiological and pathological state of the organism, such as local or systemic inflammation. The Department conducts basic research and application work indicating the possibility of using research results in the food industry.