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Current projects BFoF

  1. Nutritional and Metabolic Factors Affecting the Development of Disorders in Diet-Related Diseases (Internal Funds, principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. A. Jurgoński):
    • Effect of Feeding a Diet Containing Camelina Seed Oil on the Metabolic Status of Rats (investigator: Assoc. Prof. A. Jurgoński),
    • Development of An In Vitro Model of the „Diabetic Foot” Based on Human and/or Pig Skin Cells (investigator: Prof. B. Gawrońska-Kozak),
    • Effects of Adding Manganese Nanoparticles to the Diet on Enzymatic Activity in the Caecal Microbiota of Rats (investigator: Prof. J. Juśkiewicz).
  2. How Phosphorus-Containing Food Additives Affect the Gut and Metabolic Health of the Body: Having the Guts to Tackle Phosphates (National Science Centre, Poland; project No. 2023/49/B/NZ9/01345; principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. A. Jurgoński).
  3. Development and Implementation of Innovative Functional Foods Targeting the Prevention of Diet-Related Diseases (National Centre for Research and Development, project No. NUTRITECH.I-002N/22; consortium between Galenic Laboratory Olsztyn Ltd. and IAR&FR PAS in Olsztyn – coordinators: Prof. W. Wiczkowski, Asst. Prof. B. Fotschki).
  4. The Potential of the Combined Osmoconcentration-Lactic Fermentation Process in Shaping the Profile of Bioactive Components of New Onion Varieties Studied in an In Vivo Model (National Science Centre, Poland; project No. 2022/45/B/NZ9/00550; consortium between Lodz University of Technology and IAR&FR PAS in Olsztyn – main investigator: Prof. J. Juśkiewicz).
  5. Is Metabolic Effect of Copper Nanoparticles Reliant on Dietary Fibre with Different Physiological Function? (National Science Centre, Poland; project No. 2021/41/B/NZ9/01104; principal investigator: Prof. J. Juśkiewicz).
  6. Alleviation of Adverse Effects Associated with High-Fat Diet through Dietary Patterns Changes and/or Supplementation of Various Forms of Chromium (National Science Centre, Poland; project No. 2020/39/B/NZ9/00674; principal investigator: Prof. J. Juśkiewicz).
  7. Polyphenols from Raspberries and their Metabolites as Factors Regulating Mechanisms of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (National Science Centre, Poland; project No. 2018/31/D/NZ9/02196, principal investigator: B. Fotschki, Ph.D.).
  8. Nutritional and Health Promoting Properties of Diets Supplemented with Seeds or Oils from Seeds of Some Plants (National Science Centre, Poland; project No. 2016/23/B/NZ9/01012, principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. A. Jurgoński).