NCN Opus 22, Opus Lap, and Sonata 17 calls settled

The National Science Center (NCN) has announced the results of the Opus 22, Opus Lap, and Sonata 17 calls. Among the awarded projects are works by six scientists from our Institute.

A total of 116 projects from the Life Sciences (NZ) panel within the Opus 22 competition and 80 projects within the Sonata 17 competition qualified for funding by NCN. Among the approved applications are six projects carried out by scientists from our Institute.

OPUS is a funding opportunity intended for a wide range of applicants. The research proposal submitted under this scheme may include the purchase or construction of research equipment:

Budget: PLN 1,802,715

The project aims to obtain information on the hitherto undescribed Cap31 protein, including its structure, characteristics, localization, dynamics of changes during cold acclimation, and infectioń of fish with microbes. The research hypothesis is that Cap31 can modify single-stranded DNA and RNA of microorganisms whose expression depends on infectioń with microorganisms. Cap31 may also be an essential biomarker of fish welfare.

Budget: PLN 1,387,384

This project aims to expand the knowledge of how the methylation process works in the reproductive system. Learning about this regulation of corpus luteum function within the promoters of the A and B isoforms of the progesterone receptor may have important implications for understanding disorderś of pregnancy in cows and other species. Scientists will examine how these processes are regulated and whether they can be influenced.

Budget: PLN 700,365

The project will fill gaps in knowledge about the development and functioning of the biological clock and circadian rhythm in the early developmental stages of the perch. The research will examine whether the „sense of time” already appears in embryos or only in European perch larvae and how it changes during the fish’s development. The researchers will also examine to what extent a different photoperiod (period of exposure to light) from the natural one affects the circadian rhythm in the early developmental stages of perch. The results will provide valuable information for protecting freshwater ecosystems from the increasingly common anthropogenic light pollution.

The project is being carried out jointly with the Stanislaw Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute (IRŚ), led by Dr. Katarzyna Palińska-Żarska.

OPUS LAP allows researchers at all stages of their scientific careers to apply for funding for projects carried out in international cooperation under the Lead Agency Procedure track.

Budget: PLN 1,861,012

The aim of the project is to investigate the long-term influence of environmental factors on the biological processes and genetic diversity of ruminants. Using the European roe deer as a model species, scientists will evaluate the relationship between genetic diversity, epigenetic environmental mechanisms and ruminant health parameters. The research material in the project will be collected posthumously from roe deer from three ecotypes: forest, field and mosaic. Scientists will also check how the composition of the food consumed by deer affects the microflora of these animals.

The project is implemented in cooperation with the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology under the supervision of Prof. Elena Buzan.

SONATA is a competition aimed at researchers with a doctoral degree, obtained from 2 to 7 years before the year of application. It is designed to support those embarking on their scientific careers to conduct innovative research.

Budget: PLN 1,959,780

Semen cryopreservation is an important tool in artificial reproduction technologies in livestock farming. However, this process is accompanied by side effects that negatively affect the sperm motility, and disrupt the capacitation and fertilization process. The aim of Dr. Mostek’s project is to investigate the possibility of improving cryopreserved bull semen by the addition of enzymes from the peroxyredoxin group (PRDX), which will reduce the oxidative stress occurring during the freeze-thaw process, and thus maintain the redox balance in sperm.

Budget: PLN 1,799,500

The project aims to program selected strains of lactobacillus bacteria to produce proteins that can potentially mitigate food allergies. The study’s results may providé evidence of interactions between lactic acid bacteria proteins and the human immune system.

Total budget allocated for the implementation of the projects reaches over 9,5 mln zlotych.


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Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences with the highest IF index ever

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of the Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences by our Institute. The occasion for celebration is all the more significant because the journal has achieved the new highest-ever impact factor in two major bibliographic databases!

Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences (PJFNS) is number 1 in the Polish food science journals category. Its highest impact factor confirms this in two major bibliographic databases – Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection. PJFNS is a quarterly journal published by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn since 1992. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal since 2018 is Dr. Magdalena Karamać from the Department of Chemical and Physical Properties of Food. This function was performed by prof. Adolf Horubała, prof. Ryszard Amarowicz and prof. Henryk Zieliński, respectively. Joanna Molga has been the Secretary of the Editorial Office since 1997.

Number 1 among Polish food science journals

The origins of PJFNS date back to 1957, when Rocznik Chemii I Technologii Żywności (Yearbooks of Food Chemistry and Technology) was established (published in Polish), which changed to Acta Alimentaria Polonica in 1974 and was published by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences until 1991. The journal was taken over by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn. It changed its name to the Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. It is worth noting that the journal has been published in English since 1974.

„We want to publish high-quality peer-reviewed scientific papers describing research in food and nutrition sciences. We publish all papers in open access – our goal is to reach as many readers as possible,” – Dr. Karamać says.

Since 2003, the full texts of the publications have been made available to readers free of charge in a digital form on the website. Articles are published on a rolling basis (when approved by reviewers and editors) and are collected every three months into the publication’s next issue. About 30 people work on each case. Manuscripts arriving at the editorial office are assigned to one of four sections: Food Technology, Food Chemistry, Food Quality and Function, and Nutrition Research.

„Each section is managed by 2-3 editors, responsible for the substantive quality of published articles. We can boast that this is an international group representing renowned scientific centers: two scientists from Italy, one from Switzerland, Turkey, France, Brazil, Canada, and three Poles. The editors are elected on a term basis for four years, and we take great care to ensure they are world-class scientists. This is because the scientific standing of the departmental editors translates into the quality of the published papers” – Dr. Karamać adds.

The author of the paper’s manuscript is submitted in person through a unique online system. It undergoes an initial evaluation by the editor-in-chief – the most important thing is to check whether the article fits into the journal’s scope, whether it has an appropriate layout, up-to-date references, etc. All guidelines for the authors are posted on the website. The pre-approved paper goes to departmental editors, who appoint reviewers and are responsible for following up on the article. The reviewers are mainly members of the journal’s scientific council (a total of 21 scientists) and a group of experts constantly working with PJFNS. The approved and reviewed paper goes back to the author for revisions. It goes to the publication department when it is accepted before the departmental editor and the editor-in-chief.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to get through the editorial sieve. Approximately 85% of the manuscripts submitted to the PJFNS editorial board are rejected, mainly due to subject matter mismatches, although inadequate language preparation and factual errors are also standard. Approximately 350-400 scientific papers are submitted annually to the PJFNS editorial board, and only 36 are published.

Record Impact Factor

PJFNS boasts high citation indexes IF (Impact Factor) and CiteScore, which are indicators of the prestige of scientific journals. A key element was obtaining indexation in bibliographic databases of scientific journals that calculate these indices.

„The two main reputable databases in which we sought indexing from the beginning were Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection. Our first numbers went into Scopus in 2009. – After two years, our CiteScore was rated at 0.3. In 2020, it was already 3.7, and in 2021. 4.2, which is a record as far as Polish food science journals are concerned. These values depend on the number of citations of recent articles published in PJFNS. Two more Polish journals in the food science category are indexed in this database, but they are rated lower than ours. The second database – Web of Science Core Collection – is even more difficult. We succeeded in 2012. After two years, we counted the first IF citation index, which was unexpectedly high: 0.643. In 2016 it was already 1.276 and in 2020. 2.111, and in 2021 we recorded a jump to 2.736. We are the only Polish journal in the food science category to be listed in this bibliographic database.” – Dr. Karamać adds.

Based on the Web of Science Core Collection citation indices, a list of the world’s leading journals is announced annually – to be on it is a great success. PJFNS wants to stay among the world’s top journals and climb the rankings. That’s why it is constantly evolving and following global trends. Recently, the platform on which scientific papers are published (Journals System) was changed, giving many new options. It is possible to link authors directly to databases (e.g., ORCID, Scopus, Publons), so you can get information about a person’s publishing activity and check other articles linked to her/his name with one click. In addition, active links to references used in essays are provided on the PJFNS website. The reader can quickly and easily reach cited publications that have DOI identifiers. Our articles also integrate with the CrossRef database assigning these identifiers. Papers are much more interactive today.

„It is worth publishing in PJFNS. Our associate editors are excellent scientists, we have a steady pool of vetted reviewers, and more and more authors return to us. This builds the high quality of the journal. We are growing all the time and want to increase this pace even more” – Dr. Karamać concludes.


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Awards for doctoral students from our Institute

Two doctoral students from our Institute – Ewelina Żebrowska and Natalia Walędziak – have won valuable awards for their conference presentations.

At the conference Endometritis as a cause of infertility in domestic animals, held June 22-24, 2022, in Krakow, Poland, Ewelina Żebrowska was awarded for the best poster presentation titled „The effect of interleukin six on the expression of genes involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis in mares – in vitro studies.” A few days later, the doctoral student was awarded the Grand Prize for her oral presentation at the Polish Physiological Society’s 11th Adepts of Physiology Conference entitled Adepts of Physiology – Our Passion Unites, held June 27-28, 2022, in Olsztyn. Natalia Walędziak also received an Honorable Mention for her oral presentation at the same conference.

Ewelina Żebrowska from the Department of Reproductive Immunology and Pathology received the Grand Prize for oral presentations for research performed within the OPUS 19 project entitled „Recognition of molecular mechanisms of interactions between endometrial macrophages and fibroblasts in processes involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis in mares,” supervised by Anna Szóstek-Mioduchowska, Ph.D.

Endometriosis is a fibrosis of the endometrium in mares, which is one of the leading causes of infertility and early embryo loss. Endometriosis is characterized by excessive collagen deposition and impaired expression of enzymes known as metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are responsible for the degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) in the endometrium. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a cytokine produced mainly by immune cells – monocytes and macrophages. It plays a role in the fibrosis of tissues and organs, including the liver and lungs. Tissue fibrosis results from chronic inflammation, during which macrophages secrete IL-6. This study aimed to determine the effect of IL-6 on the expression of extracellular matrix components, MMPs, and TIMPs at the mRNA level in endometrial fibroblasts.

Natalia Walędziak from the Department of Reproductive Physiology and Toxicology received an Honorable Mention for her oral presentation. „The mRNA and protein expression and cellular localization of phoenix 14 and its receptor GPR173 in the endometrium of the cow during the estrous cycle.” Her scientific supervisor is Magdalena Kowalik, Ph.D. The research was carried out under the PRELUDIUM BIS 2 project entitled „Secretory function and proliferative activity of the endometrium: involvement of phoenixin 14”.

Phoenix is a newly discovered neuropeptide in two variants: phoenixin 14 (PNX-14) and phoenixin 20 (PNX-20). Phoenix has been found to regulate reproductive function by acting on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal hormonal axis and also stimulates steroidogenesis (steroid hormone synthesis) in fish gonads and maturation of mouse oocytes. The role of this neuropeptide in regulating endometrial function has so far remained unknown. This study aimed to determine the cellular localization, mRNA, and protein expression of PNX-14 and its receptor GPR173 in the bovine endometrium during the estrous cycle.



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Małgorzata Starowicz PhD and Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska PhD with a scholarship for outstanding young scientists

Małgorzata Starowicz Ph.D. and Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska Ph.D. from our Institute have received a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists.

This is the 17th edition of the support program for particularly talented young scientists, and another in which people from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences have been awarded. The competition was strong, as a total of 1,719 applications were submitted. The Minister of Education and Science awarded scholarships to 215 young scientists, including 37 doctoral students. When evaluating the applications, the greatest importance was attached to the measurable effects of scientific activity in the form of scientific publications and practical applications of the results of scientific research or development work.

Małgorzata Starowicz Ph.D. received a scholarship in the field of food technology and nutrition and Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska Ph.D. in the field of zootechnics and fisheries.

The topic of Małgorzata Starowicz’s research is the characterization of chemical distinguishing features in foods of plant origin that determine their sensory quality, biological quality, and safety. The research is conducted to analyze the content of biologically active compounds in plant raw materials and final products, as well as determine the influence of technological processes on the formation of favorable and unfavorable Maillard reaction compounds. Her research has made a major contribution to expanding the knowledge of the properties of buckwheat, herbs and spices, bee products, and their beneficial application in functional food formulation from both health-promoting and sensory aspects. The research may contribute to solving problems related to the aging population and the increased risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

In turn, Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska’s scientific work focuses on sperm physiology – she has contributed, among other things, to expanding knowledge in previously unknown areas, including redox signal transmission. Mostek-Majewska’s greatest scientific achievement is the implementation of methods for the analysis of oxidative modifications of proteins for the study of bull spermatozoa. She was the first to show that cryopreservation (freezing) of spermatozoa induces oxidation of selected proteins (through a process known as carbonylation). Other research by Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska confirmed that the process of capacitation (conditioning of sperm for fertilization) in bulls is accompanied by reversible modifications of proteins. The findings can be used to study the treatment of infertility in animals. Dr. Agnieszka Mostek-Majewska’s project „Potential use of peroxiredoxins to improve the quality of cryopreserved bull semen” received funding from the National Science Center under the recent SONATA 17 competition.

We are glad to learn that this year’s winners of this prestigious prize include also young researchers who have built their scientific acheivements during PhD studies in our Institute. Dr. Natalia Drabińska is currently doing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań. Dr. Paulina Opyd, like the 2020 laureate of Minister’s scholarship, Dr. Tomasz Sawicki, continues her scientific career at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The fact that many early careers researchers succeed in competitive scholarships and find employment in other research units, confirms that we are training skilful human resources not only for our, but also other’s advantage. Their succeess, e.g. receiving the Minister’s award, proves we are working on a top class level.

The full list of winners is HERE.

In this year’s edition, the Minister of Education and Science adopted a new approach to the method of selecting candidates for the grant, resulting from the equality of scientific and artistic disciplines. It involves awarding a similar number of scholarships in each discipline. Thus, young scientists competed against each other within a given discipline, rather than an entire field, the announcement stated.


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Professor Henryk Zieliński honorary citizen of Jabłonowo Pomorskie!

Professor Henryk Zieliński from the Department of Food Chemistry and Biodynamics of our Institute received the title of „Honorary Citizen of Jabłonowo Pomorskie” from the government of his home town in recognition of his outstanding scientific career.

The Professor was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the City of Jabłonowo Pomorskie on June 9, 2022, during a unique session of the City Council of Jabłonowo Pomorskie. It was related to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of granting town rights and the 800th anniversary of the existence of Jabłonowo Pomorskie.

After presenting the award certificate, Prof. Zieliński gave a short speech. He referred to his origin, recalling many anecdotes connected with Jabłonowo Pomorskie. Professor Zieliński also presented the Director of the Irena Nowicka Kindergarten Agnieszka Lis-Kornacka, the Director of the Municipal Public Library in Jabłonowo Pomorskie Mariola Olszewska and the Director of the Culture and Sports Center in Jabłonowo Pomorskie Katarzyna Pomianowska with commemorative props, and the Mayor of the Town and Commune of Jabłonowo Pomorskie and the Chairman of the Jabłonowo Pomorskie Town Council Zbigniew Mikulicz with a commemorative coat of arms.

Professor Zieliński also received a congratulatory letter from the President of Olsztyn, Piotr Grzymowicz, expressing his highest appreciation for Prof. Zieliński’s scientific achievements and social activity.

Outstanding scientist from Jabłonowo Pomorskie

Born in Jabłonowo Pomorskie, Professor Henryk Zieliński has been affiliated with Olsztyn for over 37 years. In 1996 he received his doctorate in zootechnics at the Agricultural and Technical Academy in Olsztyn. Since then he has been working in our Institute – currently, he is the head of the Department of Food Chemistry and Biodynamics.

In the years 2010-2020, he was the editor-in-chief of the scientific quarterly Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Science, thanks to which the journal, as the only one among Polish journals in the field of food science, is indexed in international databases such as Journal Citation Report (JCR), Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. The title of Professor of Agricultural Sciences was conferred on him by the President of the Republic of Poland in 2011, and in 2013 he was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit.

We sincerely congratulate the Professor on this honorable distinction by the authorities of his hometown and express our appreciation for his scholarly activities to date.


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Anna Szóstek-Mioduchowska, Ph.D., with an award for the habilitation thesis

Anna Szóstek-Mioduchowska, Ph.D., from our Institute, has received the first-degree award for outstanding scientific achievement presented in the form of a monothematic series of works constituting the basis for awarding the habilitation degree. Her research work is widely commented on and highly appreciated in the scientific community, resulting in numerous awards.

On April 14, 2022, the Annual Awards Committee meeting for 2021 was held. Polish Society of Veterinary Sciences. After considering the submitted applications, the Commission decided to award the first-degree prize to a scientist from the Department of Immunology and Reproductive Pathology. Anna Szóstek-Mioduchowska, Ph.D., was honored for her outstanding scientific achievement presented in the form of a monothematic series of papers: „The role of selected mediators of inflammatory response and lysophosphatidic acid in the development of endometriosis in mares”.

The performed studies describe the influence of inflammatory mediators released by immune cells (mainly macrophages) on processes connected with the development of endometriosis in mares. It is an active or inactive fibrotic process that develops around the glands of the endometrium and in the connective tissue stroma. It leads to excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) and activation of cells called fibroblasts.

These studies will help to understand the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of endometriosis, which in the future may contribute to the development of effective therapeutic strategies (also in humans for the treatment of endometriosis).

Another award in a scientific career

It is worth mentioning that this is another award for Szóstek-Mioduchowska for her research on the mechanisms of endometriosis in mares. The XVI Congress of the Polish Society of Veterinary Sciences „Omnia Autem Animalia Sunt” took place on November 26-27, 2021, where Szóstek-Mioduchowska was awarded for the highest scored oral presentation in the session on equine physiology and pathology. At the end of the year, she also received a distinction during the 5th edition of the Scientific Awards of the Olsztyn and Białystok Branches of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Works constituting the basis for awarding the habilitation degree:

  1. Effect of transforming growth factor-β1 on α- smooth muscle actin and collagen expression in equine endometrial fibroblasts. Theriogenology 2019, 124:9-17.
  2. Effect of proinflammatory cytokines on endometrial collagen and metallopeptidase expression during the course of equine endometrosis. Cytokine 2019, 123:154767.
  3. Matrix metallopeptidase expression and modulation by transforming growth factor-β1 in equine endometrosis. Scientific Reports 2020, 10:1119.
  4. Prostaglandins effect on matrix metallopeptidase and collagen in mare endometrial fibroblasts. Theriogenology 2020, 153:74-84.
  5. Lysophosphatidic acid as a regulator of endometrial prostaglandin and connective tissue growth factor secretion during estrous cycle and endometrosis in the mare. BMC Veterinary Journal 2020, 16:343.


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Daniel Żarski Ph.D. on the European Aquaculture Society Board

Daniel Żarski Ph.D. from our Institute has become the first Pole ever elected to the Board of the European Aquaculture Society, the most important scientific organization in the field of aquaculture on the Old Continent. This is another great achievement of our assistant professor!

The European Aquaculture Society (EAS) is an association established in 1984 to promote the development of European aquaculture as a platform for communication between scientists, producers, and legislators (at local and European levels). One of the really important elements of this communication is the organization of the largest scientific event in Europe combined with an aquaculture fait trades – the Aquaculture Europe Conference. This year the conference will be held in Rimini, Italy.

Daniel Żarski, Ph.D., who is an assistant professor in the Department of Gamete and Embryo Biology, was recently selected by EAS as the specialist responsible for the Aquaculture Europe 2022 scientific program. Now he has experienced an even greater honor.

EAS is governed by a Board of Directors under the direction of a Chair – elected for two-year terms. This year, Daniel Żarski Ph.D. was elected to the Board, making him the first-ever Pole to hold this honorable position. This is a result of his highly regarded work for the development of freshwater aquaculture to date, but also the recognition resulting from effective scientific work in the area of fish reproduction in its broadest sense.

– As a board member I will have a direct influence on the direction of the association and the debate on the development of aquaculture in Europe itself. In my program I emphasize supporting the development of freshwater aquaculture in Central Europe while remaining open to innovation in the sector on a European level, says Daniel Żarski.

Daniel Żarski will serve on the EAS Board from 2022 to 2024. It will be a challenging time, so we keep our fingers crossed that all the goals he has set will be achieved.


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Invitation to participate in the 5th International Conference on Uterine Disorders in Farm Animals: Endometritis as a cause of infertility in domestic animals


We kindly invite you to take part in the 5th international conference „Endometritis as a cause of infertility in domestic animals”.

The conference program is available at It is still possible to register and online participate in the conference.


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Foundation Act for the new building of the Institute

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new building of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS took place on June 10. The event was attended by many distinguished guests from the world of science, business and regional authorities. This is the beginning of a new era in the history of the Institute.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new building of the Institute took place on June 10 at noon. The investment is part of the project „Center for Environmental Research and Innovative Food Technology for Quality of Life”, which is located near the Olsztyn Science and Technology Park.

Construction of the new headquarters of the Institute officially began in mid-December 2021. It will have its seat at Władysława Trylińskiego Street, in the area of the Olsztyn Science and Technology Park. On June 10, a time capsule with the Foundation Act, local press, and coins was placed in the existing foundations of the building. The ceremony was attended by guests from the world of science, business and regional authorities.

The Foundation Act was signed and embedded by: Prof. Mariusz Piskuła – Director of IARFR PAS, Gustaw Marek Brzezin – Marshal of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship, Piotr Grzymowicz – President of Olsztyn and Jakub Nagraba – General Construction Director of Budimex S.A., the general contractor of the investment.

The first to speak was Prof. Mariusz Piskuła:

– I am very happy that we are at this point in history where we are now. For a long time, we have suffered from a shortage of space, and I know from my own experience that the Institute’s location near a technology park would be a great asset. The project has been going on for 10 years now and we are well on track to bring it to a happy end. I think that this time capsule will survive us – maybe one day someone will get to it and read about what happened here in 2022 – said Prof. Mariusz Piskuła.

The second speaker was Gustaw Marek Brzezin – Marshal of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship, who congratulated Prof. Piskuła on his perseverance and being a notable beneficiary of the regional operational program. The Marshal handed Professor Piskuła a special commemorative letter.

– This is not the first project of the Institute, it is the whole history of well spent funds, not only for the sake of science development, but the whole society as such. In such circumstances, I always recall our experiences in Brussels when we were the representatives of the European Commission, and Professor Piskuła, like the best teacher, preached about Warmia and Mazury having great opportunities. This project is a summary of that vision. At the end of the availability of EU funds, I would like to point out that the co-financing of about PLN 80 million for the development of the state-of-the-art research and development center will be continued from regional funds. I am convinced that with such research facilities and personnel as Professor Piskuła leafs, we will become a leader. You can already hear about Warmia and Mazury not only in Poland but also throughout Europe – added Gustaw Marek Brzezin.

– We are on the right track with the development of Warmia and Mazury, as well as the growth of Olsztyn. I am convinced that what we have prepared earlier in the development plan of the city will allow the Institute to achieve success in Poland and Europe. The new seat of the Institute will be a dream come true for several generations of scientists. I think that locating the building by the Olsztyn Science and Technology Park is an excellent idea as it allows the creation of a new space for running science in our city, with the option of turning it into practical and innovative solutions – added Piotr Grzymowicz, President of Olsztyn.

After the President’s speech, the groundbreaking ceremony took place, and then the guests took the floor.

– This is a very important moment for Olsztyn – the building of the Foundation Act for the new seat of the Institute. This is an example that Poland can develop evenly – not only in large agglomerations but also in smaller ones, with equally large scientific potential. I am glad that I could make my contribution to the realization of this goal. Olsztyn is joining the big world of science – we should all be proud of that. Olsztyn stands for science! – said Dr. Marcin Kulasek, MP.

At the end, Jarosław Babalski, read out the letter on behalf of Artur Chojecki, Warmian-Masurian Voivode.

A new era of the Institute

Completion of the construction is scheduled for September 2023, and already a year later all departments of the Institute of PAS, currently located in two locations in Olsztyn and two in Białystok, are to move in. This will facilitate cooperation between scientists, increase the potential of the institution and create optimal conditions for conducting innovative research.

The facility will have five floors and is being built under the design-build formula, which means that the contractor – Budimex – has prepared the project and is implementing it based on the functional-utility program developed by the Institute. The usable area of the building will be about 7.5 thousand square meters, and its cubature will be about 24 thousand cubic meters. The investment will also include access roads, parking lots, a roofed shelter for bicycles, and green areas.

Funds for the project come, among others, from the European Union, the Regional Operational Programme for Warmia and Mazury for 2014-2020, and the volume of funding is more than 79 million PLN. The entire project including equipment is an investment of PLN 95.4 million.

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Excellent Paper Awards by the Japanese Society of Animal Science

Researchers from the Department of Biological Functions of Food received an honorable mention from the Japanese Society of Animal Science (JSAS).

The paper „The effect of administration of copper nanoparticles to chickens in their drinking water on the immune and antioxidant status of the blood”, published in „Animal Science Journal 89”, was awarded the Excellent Paper Awards by the Japanese Society of Animal Science. Its co-authors are Prof. Jerzy Juśkiewicz and Prof. Zenon Zduńczyk from our Institute.

The study aimed to determine what dose of copper nanoparticles added to a standard diet supplemented with copper sulfate improves antioxidant and immune protection in chickens. The experiment was conducted on 126 broiler chickens, which were divided into seven groups. Animals in the control group were not given copper nanoparticles and developed copper deficiency. Chickens are given copper nanoparticles during 3- or 7-day periods, the deficiency problem was not noted. At 42 days of age, blood markers were determined in broilers, and the results showed the increased antioxidant potential of the body and inhibition of lipid peroxidation.

The study showed that it is possible to simultaneously increase the antioxidant and immune defenses of chickens by feeding them copper nanoparticles for 6 weeks of feeding. This achieved a level that did not exceed the National Research Council (NRC) recommendation by more than 7%.

The work „The effect of administration of copper nanoparticles to chickens in their drinking water on the immune and antioxidant status of the blood” is of great biological importance as copper is considered to be one of the most important micronutrients essential for growth, development, and function of all living organisms. It exhibits the ability to accept and donate electrons readily and is a component of many enzymes, including copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD), cytochrome c oxidase, and L-lysine oxidase, ascorbate oxidase, tyrosinase, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase. The enzymes in turn play important roles in antioxidant defense, melanin synthesis, connective tissue formation, or mitochondrial respiration.

We congratulate all authors of the paper, especially scientists from our Institute – Prof. Jerzy Juśkiewicz and Prof. Zenon Zduńczyk. We wish you further scientific success!

The paper is available here.


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