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Publishing Unit

The Institute is the publisher of two international journals: Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences (since 1991) and Reproductive Biology (since 2001).

Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences is quarterly published in English. IT covers fundamental and applied research in food and nutrition sciences as well as disseminates the directions and results of Polish research works. It promotes an international scientific co-operation by publishing works of foreign authors. Scientific standard of Journal is constantly verified by recognized international and native scientists as well as by Ph.D, D.Sc. Magdalena Karamać – Editor –in-Chief and M.Sc. Joanna Molga – Secretary of the Editorial Office.

Reproductive Biology is published four times a year in English. It covers a wide spectrum of research from the filled of animal reproduction, including reproductive physiology, endocrinology, immunology, molecular and cellular biology, receptor studies, animal breeding, andrology, embryology, infertility, assisted reproduction and contraception. It publishes papers of foreign authors and promotes achievements of Polish research centers. Its Editorial Board consists of recognized specialist in the human and animal reproduction.  Dr. Renata Ciereszko is  currently the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.