Ten of our Institute’s scientists were included in this year’s list compiled by Stanford University and the scientific publisher Elsevier. The ‘World’s TOP 2% Scientists’ ranking is based on the Scopus database and presents scientists whose publications are most frequently cited by other authors worldwide.

The TOP 2% ranking assesses the scientific output of individual researchers according to a bibliometric index, taking into account criteria such as the Hirsch index, the number of citations and co-authorship, i.e. the place and role in the list of authors of a publication. The ranking, which is compiled annually, is divided into two lists. The first covers the research output over the entire period of the researcher’s career, while the second concerns the most recent year. This year’s list assessing the entire scientific output includes more than 217 000 scientists from all over the world, including 1244 from Poland. The 2023 summary list included more than 223 000 scientists from around the world, including 1305 from Poland.

Researchers from IARFR PAS (order based on the position on the list):

Ranking covering the entire scientific career:

  • Prof. Carsten Carlberg
  • Prof. dr. hab. Ryszard Amarowicz
  • Prof. dr hab. Henryk Zieliński
  • Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Piskuła
  • Prof. dr hab. Adam Zięcik
  • Dr hab. inż. Magdalena Karamać
  • Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Ciereszko
  • Prof. dr hab. Zenon Zduńczyk
  • Prof. dr hab. Jan Kotwica

Ranking for 2023:

  • Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Amarowicz
  • Prof. Carsten Carlberg
  • Dr Małgorzata Starowicz
  • Prof. Dr hab. Henryk Zieliński

Visit Elsevier Data Repository here.

Data publikacji: 4.10.2024