„Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3Rs)” – these are the three principles that should accompany us every day if we want to take care of our planet.

As part of the InformPack project, implemented thanks to the EIT Food Knowledge and Innovation Community, Dr. Joanna Fotschki and Dr. Marta Kopcewicz conducted a series of workshops on responsible handling of food packaging. Pupils from the Polish Olympians Primary School Complex in Stawiguda were invited to take part in the workshops.

During the first meeting, which coincided with the first day of spring, the pupils had the opportunity to test their knowledge and deepen their environmental awareness. Through games, quizzes, and tasks, the students were introduced to the 3Rs principles (Refuse/Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle), indicating how to correctly deal with food packaging.

International Earth Day was celebrated with students under the theme 'Planet versus Plastic’. Pupils from the school in Stawiguda, together with Dr. Marta Kopcewicz and Dr. Joanna Fotschki, visited Zakład Gospodarki Odpadami Komunalnymi Sp. z o.o. (ZGOK) in Olsztyn. During a trip to raise environmental awareness of waste management, the students learned about the technologies used at the Municipal Waste Disposal Plant in Olsztyn and reiterated the principles of waste segregation.

On 23 May, a final concluding workshop took place, in which students saw with their own eyes what happens when rubbish is thrown away incorrectly. They also had the opportunity to demonstrate their artistic skills by decorating ecological shopping bags. The eco-bags were intended as a reminder to handle food packaging correctly and were given an additional function – a gift – for the upcoming Mother’s Day.

Data publikacji: 26.07.2024