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Team of Aquatic Organism Reproductive Biotechnology

We conduct innovative research on biotechnological methods that support the reproduction of aquatic organisms, thus contributing to both sustainable aquaculture and the conservation of aquatic biodiversity.

One of the main directions of our research is gamete biotechnology, specifically: the storage of fish and coral gametes (along with the development of an innovative approach called the modern „cryo-later” buffer, which allows long-term preservation of sperm viability under cooling conditions without the need for cryopreservation). We also improve cryopreservation techniques and introduce defined solutions (buffers) that support the fertilization process. These techniques enable the optimal use of fish gametes, ensuring maximum reproductive (fertilization) outcomes.

We engage in the crossing of lines and species. In this area, we conduct research on creating hybrid and multihybrid of the aquatic organisms that show increased resistance to diseases and challenging environmental conditions compared to the parent species and lines. Additionally, we utilize cryopreserved sperm for interspecies crossings. This unlocks new opportunities to develop phenotypes with enhanced adaptability to shifting climate conditions and emerging epidemiological threats in aquaculture.

Our work also includes the use of the zebra danio (Danio rerio) as a model organism for research on epigenetics and gamete manipulation techniques, as well as their impact on offspring quality. We also focus on optimizing the production of stocking material for the grayling (Thymallus thymallus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), and rheophilic carp species, such as the barbel (Barbus barbus) and chub (Leuciscus cephalus) – to support aquaculture and the stocking of natural ecosystems.

The outcomes of our team’s work include the introduction of innovative methods for short-term sperm storage, useful in aquaculture practices and species conservation. Our results also support breeding programs of model fish species and facilitate development of coral reproductive techniques for the protection of coral reefs.