We are investigating how environmental factors and lifestyle influence fertility, communication between the embryo and the mother’s body, and the health trajectories of parents and their offspring.
Our goal is to uncover the molecular basis of the interplay between metabolism and reproductive processes that ensure proper development and fertility. Therefore, we explore how metabolic changes resulting from an improper diet affect gamete quality, embryo development, implantation, and interactions between the mother and the embryo/fetus. We conduct analyses at various levels – from individual molecules to regulatory pathways and phenotypic traits.
We are particularly interested in the mechanisms shaping the molecular makeup of oocytes and sperm from metabolically compromised parents and their impact on the epigenetic reprogramming of offspring development.
We also analyze factors influencing programming of prenatal development, which arise from changes in the composition of histotroph (a mixture of nutrients secreted by the uterine lining) or placental function. Furthermore, we investigate how postnatal environmental conditions and bioactive components of mother’s milk, contribute to intergenerational inheritance and development of offspring.
In our research, we use animal models (rodents, domestic animals), and ex vivo and in vitro cell systems, to gain deeper insight into the molecular mechanisms at play.
We apply cutting-edge techniques such as single-cell multi-omics or high-resolution microscopic imaging, and advanced bioinformatics tools.
In collaboration with national and international partners, we aim to discover the critical links between parental metabolic status, reproductive functions, and intergenerational health outcomes, offering new avenues for both basic research and future clinical applications.