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Biotransformation and Bioavailability of Phytochemicals

We investigate the relationship between the consumption, absorption, and metabolism of phytochemicals and their biological activity.

Our studies involve phytochemicals, which are substances produced by plants that—through short-term or chronic effects—impact the functioning of the human body, including the nervous system. We are particularly interested in natural pigments such as anthocyanins, betalains, and carotenoids.

To understand and trace the relationship between phytochemical consumption and their impact on the body, we analyze a wide range of compounds present in raw materials and in the final product, and after consumption – also their metabolites in physiological fluids. Primarily, we characterize the conversions (biotransformations) of phytochemicals occurring during complex processes in the body, and we determine their bioavailability, i.e., the degree to which these compounds penetrate the bloodstream.

This enables us to predict and trace metabolic pathways (a series of successive and interconnected chemical reactions), which ultimately allows us to identify both nutritional causes of various disorders and the beneficial effects of these compounds on the human body.

Consequently, the first area of our research is focused on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytochemicals in raw materials and food products, as well as in animal feed. We analyze the impact of genetic factors, biotic and abiotic stress, technological processes, and storage conditions on the profile and content of phytochemicals.

Our second main research area concerns the conversions and bioavailability of phytochemicals from various food matrices in experiments involving animals and humans, while simultaneously profiling phytochemical metabolites in physiological fluids and tissues.

We are committed to developing and optimizing functional products dedicated to various population groups and focused on prevention—specifically, innovative plant-based products that maintain an optimal and beneficial composition of health-promoting substances.