- FACSAria II cell sorter,
- 3 lasers, excitation wavelength: 488 nm (blue), 633 nm (red), 375 nm (near UV);
- 9 fluorescents measurement simultaneous;
- sorting system: to acquire data at rates up to 100.000 events per second:
- nozzle size: 70, 85, 100, 130 μm;
- sorting up to 4 populations simultaneous;
- aerosol management option;
- sort collect into a variety of tube size and multiwell as well.
- Inverted confocal microscope Nikon Eclipse Ti-E
- 3 independently working lasers (induction at 405nm, 488 nm and 543 nm);
- EPI fluorescence module;
- images scanning:
- 2D (X and Y dimensions),
- 3D (X, Y and Z dimensions),
- 3D +∆T (X, Y and Z dimensions with time lapse imaging),
- with automatic regulation of laser activation (accordingly to the users settings),
- linear scanning.
- Laser microdissection – MMI system
- UV laser – precise cutting with cold ablation.
- Laminar flow chamber
- sterile cells cultures.
- CO2/O2 incubators
- sterile cells cultures with predicted atmosphere;
- O2 concentration range – 1% – 80%.