Centre of Excellence for Knowledge Transfer, Research and Education in Food and Health for Central and Eastern Europe
In 2000, the Division of Food Science obtained the status of „Centre of Excellence” within the area of „Food and Health” in the frame of the I Horizontal INCO Programme. The main aim of a 3-year Project was: Intensification and extension of studies currently conducted in the Institute through deyelopment ofcioser co-operation with leading scientific centres of the European Union and Centres of Accession Countries dealing withfood science within:
- biochemical studies covering immunogenic and allergenic properties of natural and modified food components;
- identification of potentially beneficial compounds from the viewpoint of human nutrition in raw materials of plant origin and studies on their transformation in food processing and its sensory consequences;
- biologically-nutritional studies on the bioavailability of selected food com ponents and their influence on life proces ses;
- microbiological studies on determination of probiotic functions of milk fermentation bacteria in the intestine and their application in technology for functional food;
- physical and chemical studies on the relations between functional properties and microstructure of food;
- studies aiming constructing ion-selective electrodes and sensors designed for food analysis;
The above tasks were achieved through:
- optimisation of the effectiveness of scientific study by interchange of young scientists (12- and 6- month scholarships) and senior visitors,
- knowledge transfer through organisation of international conferences and workshops with support by pan-European FECS Food Chemistry Division:
- Advanced Analysis – Exploring Biological Systems in Food (conference);
- Food Safety – a Challenge for Processing of Food of Plant Origin (conference);
- Methodology of the Novel Food Evaluation (workshop);
- Food Supplementation in Food Allergy and Immunity (workshop);
- Ethical and Methodological Aspects of Phytochemicals Biological Activity Estimation (workshop).
- the expertise dissemination through scientific lectures conducted by the Centre’s scientists for students, local food industry and local authorities as well as scientific session on modem production of high quality food
Scientific Co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. Halina Kozłowska
Institute Of Animal Reproduction And Food Reseaerch (in 2000)
The Institute was established in 1988. At present, the Institute consists of 140 employees (18 professors). In the structure of the Institute two divisions are functioning: Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Pathology, and Division of Food Science. In the rank of institutions working in the field of agricultural sciences conducted by the Committee for Scientific Research in Poland, the Institute has been holding a leading position at present and in the last years. The Institute is entitled to confer Doctor and Habilitation’s degrees in the field of Food and Nutrition as well as Animal Husbandry.
Division Of Food Science (in 2000)
Division of Food Science is located in a new building (about 3000 sqm) equipped with modern and technologically advanced facilities. Scientific activity of the Division of Food Science is conducted in 10 Departments and concentrates on:
- research – over 100 scientific papers published annually;
- organisation of conferences and workshops (international and domestic);
- realisation and co-ordination of scientific research programs;
- commercial and academic expertise;
- providing professional training;
- edition of scientific journals;