On the 6th of December we will celebrate EIT Food ZERO WASTE festival to take place during St. Nicolas Day in Poland. This will be the 8th and last event organised under #AnnualFoodAgenda project in Poland in 2019. Scientists from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS together with experts from Maspex and Food Bank in Olsztyn will prepare demonstrations, discussions and science shows on food sustainability and ‘’zero waste’’ ecological trends for middle school students and teachers.

Participants will learn simple methods of responsible food management that can be successfully used in everyday life, as well as get familiarized with the idea of ‘food sharing’ implemented by Polish Food Banks. Hand-in-hand with scientists the guests will perform laboratory analyses and discover health benefits of many food production side streams, which are commonly treated as waste, e.g. fruit pomace or coffee grounds. Students will also get an insight into the process of freeze-drying, an innovative food preservation method which allows keeping the nutritional value of products for a very long time. They will check the production process behind food stuffs with a 30-year long expiration date, take a look at space scrambled eggs and find out how to distinguish dried from freeze-dried foods.

During the event, young adepts will also take part in workshops on designing functional foods and personalised products for ‘’special tasks’’, which are dedicated to persons suffering from diet-related diseases. The formula of St. Nicolas Day with EIT Food meeting allows direct contact with the experts and will bring many surprises to all the guests.

The event will take place in Czarny Groń near Wadowice.





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EIT Food #AnnualFoodAgenda at Transition Festiwal in Copernicus Science Centre

 3D food printers, mobile polyphenol tests for fruits and juices, innovative food preservation methods and the afterlife of food waste. On October 4th, EIT Food #AnnualFoodAgenda showroom called 'Food open to the world’ took place during the 'Transition Festival’ at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, Poland.

As a part of #Annual Food Agenda season 4: #FoodSustainability theme, researchers from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS, together with MASPEX experts and agri-food innovators, brought us closer to the latest scientific and technological achievements that lead to the production of healthy, safe, nutritious food, with a maximal use of raw materials and a minimal environmental imprint. In the EIT Food showroom, we could find 3D food printers, mobile polyphenol tests for fruits and juices, as well as an intelligent plant lighting system that allows producing vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers throughout the year. Entire families could take a closer look at natural and functional food products, as well as plant-based proteins, exploited as  alternatives to animal and soy proteins. During ’hands-on’ workshops and demonstrations, we learnt about innovative food preservation methods and food products with a 30-year long expiration date. In addition, the guests got familiarized with personalized foodstuffs dedicated to people suffering from diet-related diseases and checked the unique nutritional value of some selected food production side streams. Last but not least, everyone took part in 'zero waste’ games and explored the concept of  'food sharing’.






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Back in the day – Researchers’ Night with EIT Food

’Cosmic’ food, superheroes on a plate, manufacture of food scientists, chemical mishmash in the kitchen, flower slow food, and youth potions from antioxidants. These are just some of the food celebration events showcased by the scientists from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS and MASPEX during Researchers’ Night with EIT Food in Olsztyn, Poland. (więcej…)

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#AnnualFoodAgenda: Food open to the world

3D food printers, mobile polyphenol tests for fruits and juices, innovative food preservation methods and the afterlife of food waste. On October 4th, popular science EIT Food #AnnualFoodAgenda showroom called „Food open to the world” will take place during the „Transition Festival” at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw. (więcej…)

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„You are, what you eat” – Researchers’ Night with EIT Food

Scientists manufacture, cosmic food, bacteria which sow ferment, flower slow food, superheroes on a plate, chemical mishmash and youth potions from antioxidants. These are just some of the workshops, which the scientists from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS are preparing for us during Researchers’ Night with EIT Food to commence on the 27th September 2019 right in the centre of region’s biggest shopping mall. (więcej…)

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#AnnualFoodAgenda – food trends and future consumers

Clean labels, probiotic foods, alternative protein sources, natural pigments and biohacking – these are only a few examples of food and drink „megatrends” set to make it big this year. On June 8th, during an outdoor science festival, researchers from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research together with experts from MASPEX company exposed consumers to global innovations that change the ways we produce, buy, eat and dispose food. (więcej…)

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#AnnualFoodAgenda – food trends and future consumers

Clean labels, probiotic foods, alternative protein sources, natural pigments and biohacking – these are only a few examples of food and drink „megatrends” set to make it big this year. On June 8th, during an outdoor science festival, researchers from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research together with experts from MASPEX company will expose consumers to global innovations that change the ways we produce, buy, eat and dispose food. (więcej…)

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A Diet For Generations

In the latest edition of „Academia”, a popular science bimonthly magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences, we will read an interview with Prof. Monika Kaczmarek, a head of Institute’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology. (więcej…)

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