New cooperation opportunities

During the visit in Hungary and Slovenia, Dr. Radosław Kowalski along with his research team – Dr. Beata Cejko, Sylwia Judycka and Michał Blitek – conducted  a trial of air spawning of marble trout (Salmo marmoratus), thanks to Dušan Jesenšek a manager of a Slovenian fish hatchery in Tolmin (Ribiška družina Tolmin). (więcej…)

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Prebiotics to alleviatie celiac disease

PhD student from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS in Olsztyn investigates the influence of prebiotics-enriched gluten-free diet on alleviating harmful effects of celiac disease in children. The study will be aided by the funds obtained in the National Science Centre PRELUDIUM call. (więcej…)

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More plant-derived proteins for Europe


Quinoa, amaranth and chickpeas are valuable sources of plant protein yet still underestimated in Europe, which remains dominated by the consumption of animal-derived protein. Scientists want to change this trend, increasing the European production of plant protein by 25%. (więcej…)

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Maternal nutrition and health of next generations

Prof. Monika Kaczmarek, Head of Molecular Biology Core Facility

Challenges of contemporary medicine

So far it has been demonstrated that the nutritional status of mother may affect a normal development of the embryo and fetus in the womb, and after birth, determines health of the offspring. This September, English researchers published in Pediatric Obesity Journal a prognosis for 184 countries regarding obesity and related health problems in school children. It is estimated that without an adequate policy challenging current trends, by 2025 268 million children aged 5-17 will be overweight, with 91 million of them to suffer from obesity.

Infertility has always affected humans, yet unfortunately we can now observe a considerable decrease in the pregnancy rates caused by inter alia environmental factors. World Health Organization (WHO) clearly demonstrates that 10% of women worldwide are trying to get pregnant with no success, and this situation has not improved in the last 20 years.

Nutritional programming

It appears that the period from conception until the age of 3 is marked by increased sensitivity to environmental factors, such as lifestyle, diet and parents’ health status. The process in which nutritional status determines metabolic balance in the organism is called nutritional programming.  So far it has been demonstrated that the nutritional status of mother may affect a normal development of the embryo and fetus in the womb, and after birth, determines health of the offspring. Proper „designing” of offspring within the process of nutritional programming has long-term prohealth effects and may prevent the development of diet-induced diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, obesity, hypertension and diabetes type II.

In the mother’s womb

It is interesting that excessive weight gain during pregnancy occurs more frequently than in the past century. Unfortunately for us, children of women who put on too much weight during pregnancy were observed to suffer from an increased risk of obesity at the age of 34.  Therefore, women having a Body Mass Index (BMI) within the normal range (18,5-24,9) are recommended to gain 11-16 kg during pregnancy, while those with the BMI  25 – 29,9 and BMI ≥30 only 7-11 kg and 5-9 kg, respectively.

After birth

The effects of nutritional programming may be observed not only in the cells of an individual with improper eating habits, but – in the case of pregnant or lactating females – also in their children or grandchildren. Our research based on animals fed a strict diet during lactation revealed inaccuracies in the development of offspring’s reproductive functions despite introduction of a proper diet in the future. These mice achieved sexual maturity later and suffered from a series of disorders affecting their fertility. What is interesting, the effects of improper diet of lactating females were noticeable even in the second generation – in grandchildren.

Even though the conclusions drawn from the studies based on mice cannot be directly translated to humans, there are numerous report on the influence of distorted metabolic balance on the increased risk of development of diabetes, obesity and other diseases in adulthood. Therefore, we shall bear in mind that during pregnancy we are advised to eat for two, but not twice as much, and not follow any strict diet. We shall obey this rule also when lactating. Then, let’s lead a considerate lifestyle and pass it on to our children and next generations.


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Hands-on workshops for Polish Academy of Kids students

Testing the content of antioxidant in favourite juices, designing tailor-made creams with lyophilisated fruits, and discovering bakteria from our everyday menu. On December 3, 2016 scientists from the Institute hosted students of the Polish Academy Sciences. 

Polish Academy of Kids is the first free University worldwide coordinated and led by children themselves. Young Scientists aged 6-12 deliver lectures and present their own research results together with Senior Scientists – guest lecturers.

Institute holds a honorary patronage over the Academy since 2013, opening laboratories to the students and organizing edutaining workshops which inspire them to embark on research careers in the future.


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Polish researchers work to improve food quality

Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS takes part in the activities aimed at improving the production of protein-rich plants.

EUR 416 million is waiting for the scientists investigating food and agriculture safety in 4 new calls of the Horizon 2020 programme. So far scientists from Poland have managed to win over PLN 28 million zlotys.

European Commission has just announced the call for proposals to 4 new contests in the area of ”Food safety, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy”, involving 51 topics. The call for proposals will last until February 14, 2017.

”Taking part in the call is worth considering, as the applicants may reach for funds from a total budget of EUR 416 million” – convinces Bożena Podlaska from the National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU”.

Currently, scientists and entrepreneurs from 47 research and business in Poland carry out 40 Horizon 2020-funded research and innovation projects associated with food safety.

Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS takes part in the activities aimed at improving the production of protein-rich plants. “Protein2Food” project aims at increasing the consumption of protein among Europeans who, according to doctors and experts in nutrition, eat it in scarce amounts.

Research Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice works to provide Europeans with a wide-open access to their most preferred berry fruits. The Consortium of 19 partners from Europe, China and Chile strives to develop new varieties of berry fruits which will better adjust to unfavourable growing conditions of the environment, abound it fruit and have improved quality.

Plant production constitutes one of many areas of interest of Polish researchers working within the framework of Horizon 2020. Warsaw University of Life Sciences participates in the development of new vaccines against bacteria and virus-derived animal diseases, which cause a considerable loss in animal breeding.

“These projects are only examples of possibilities provided by Horizon 2020 to scientists and entrepreneurs concerned with food and agriculture safety” – says Bożena Podlaska.

Every one interested is welcome to participate in the info day organized by the National Contact Point, when the experts will present the most recent calls, focusing on the guidelines for applicants and models of evaluation to be acknowledged.


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What a night!

1 night, over 10 000 guests, 130 science celebration events, 12 hours of experiments, hundreds of laboratory reagents and countless curious questions.

We have just finished celebrating this year’s edition of the European Researchers’ Night in Olsztyn.

There is a reason why the European Researchers’ Night is called the longest night in the year – first guests started their scientific adventure as early as 10 AM. Within the first couple of hours the main venue, located at the premises of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS and Olsztyn School of Higher Education, was visited by over 4 000 pupils and students from local and regional schools.

This year’s edutaining events of ERN have been marked by a significant interactivity, following the rule of Confucius: Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I’ll remember. Let me do it and I’ll understand. Hence, both young and older participants of the Night, no matter if being science-addicts or science-reluctants, could explore the edutaining nature of research with their own hands by e.g. taking a test on celiac disease, building bacteria living in our digestive tract, designing a natural cream with freeze-dried fruit, checking the content of antioxidants in their favourite juice, and verifying the power of their hearing in a mobile center of hearing pathology. In addition, the attendees could enjoy meetings with interesting and inspiring nationally-recognized guests, e.g. journalist Łukasz Jakóbiak, dietitian Konrad Gaca and writer Tomasz Jastrun. One of the most mind-exciting events was the Science Roast – science stand-up comedy night – where researchers of different specialties presented their studies with a slight pinch of salt.

Plenty of attractions awaited the guests also in the University of Warmia Mazury, which invited everyone to the Kortowo campus. People regardless of age, social or educational background could take advantage of a number of science celebration events such as bioexperiments, workshops in a mobile planetarium, interactive exhibits of Copernicus Science Centre, theatre play, as well as meetings with popular Polish actors.

In the City Centre we could get an insight into the backstage of researchers’ work, admiring tissues ”locked” in stained glass prepared by one of Institute’s scientists engaged in the research on scarless skin wounding.

Last guests of the Night headed home after 1 AM.

The next European Researchers’ Night is coming soon! Don’t miss it on September 29th, 2017!

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European Researchers’ Night this Friday in Olsztyn!

Over 130 experiments, science shows, hands-on workshops and other edutaining activities wait for Warmia and Mazury residents. Olsztyn is one of the two national hosts of the most important popularization event in Europe – European Researchers’ Night! Don’t forget to visit us on September 30th. (więcej…)

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SCIENCE IS ART! [see the footage]

Building bacteria models and genetic chains, designing cosmetics from lyophilisated fruit, CSI laboratory – these and many other edutaining events awaited guests of the Scientific Picnic “SCIENCE IS ART!”, which took place at Olsztyn Old Town on June 25th, 2016.

Every enthusiast of research endeavours could take part in hands-on workshops, interactive science shows, experiments and competitions prepared by the scientists from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS and invited guests from the Institute of Geophysics PAS in Warszaw , Botanical Garden PAS in Powsin,  Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS in Jastrzębiec and Copernicus Science Centre.

This was the second edition of the Picnic „SCIENCE IS ART!” organized as a part of Olsztyn Art Summer by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS and Olsztyn Cultural Center.  This year’s partner of the event comprised also PAS Division in Olsztyn and Bialystok headquartered in Olsztyn. Scientists, leaving their laboratories, wanted to familiarize residents of the region with the crucial role of research achievements in our everyday life and inspire the youngest to discover  ”science gene” that may evolve into a life passion in the future.


TVP Olsztyn (od 10:10); Radio Olsztyn

Photo footage:; www.olsztyn24;


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​Science Picnic „Art of Science” coming soon!

On Saturday June 25th, the Centre of Olsztyn Old Town will change into a giant laboratory, full of experiments, workshops and science shows. The researchers from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS will convince residents of the city that science is also a kind of art. Artists and researchers share a common passion for discovery, experimenting and a mind open to pioneering challenges. Theories created by physics, virtuoso experiments of chemists or images seen under the microscope are undeniable pieces of art.

Programme of the Picnic includes i.a. mind-exciting interactive exhibits of the Copernicus Science Centre, allowing the guests to test the speed of their reaction to light and sound triggers, and learn how to deceive our sight.

All families will have a chance to take part in the workshops on a gluten-free diet and learn what gluten really is and who and why should avoid it. They will also get in the roles of „Gluten seekers” trying to elute it from the samples of wheat flour. During hand-on workshops titled „Tasty skin”, guests of the Picnic will get familiarized with the practical use of fruit powders in the process of designing cosmetics, and take the samples of individually prepared creams home.

Scientists from the Institute of Geophysics PAS in Warsaw will help us to trigger our own earthquake and explain why shocks of similar magnitude cause little damage in some regions whilst catastrophes in other. Science shows prepared by researchers from the Botanical Garden PAS in Powsin will let us get an insight into the role of Seed Banks in the conservation of plant biodiversity in relation to species threatened by extinction.

Science enthusiasts will also try their hands at dactyloscopic workshops used in forensic science laboratories, and design their own models of bacteria. In addition, we can expect a show of plush organs taking part in the digestion process (1:1 scale), helping us to find answers on the questions about the length of intestine and super powers of our stomach

Old Town scene will host the competition called „Secrets of a human body” and workshops on building DNA with sweet jellies.

„Art of Science” Picnic will start at 12:00 in the heart of Olsztyn Old Town, and last until 16:00. Participation is free of charge!

Organizer: Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS
Co-organizer: City Culture Centre
Partner: PAS Division of Olsztyn and Bialystok headquartered in Olsztyn

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