The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of associate professor in the Physiology and Toxicology Team has been settled and the following were selected:
Aleksandra Mówińska.
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of associate professor in the Physiology and Toxicology Team has been settled and the following were selected:
Aleksandra Mówińska.
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of associate professor at the Department of Biodiversity Protection has been settled and the following were selected:
Bartosz Bojarski.
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of Ph.D. Student at the Department of Hormonal Action Mechanisms has been settled and the following were selected:
Dominika Kawka.
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of bioinformatician-data analyst in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology has been settled and the following were selected:
dr Tomasz Molcan
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of Assistant at the Department of Biology and Pathology of Human Reproduction has been settled and the following were selected:
Ewelina Palak.
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position Bioinformatician – data analyst has been settled and the following were selected:
dr Damian Panas.
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of Assistant Professor at the Department of Biodiversity Protection IARFR PAS in Popielno has been settled and the following were selected:
dr Anna Kononiuk.
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of Assistant Professor (Adjunct) at the Department of Gamete and Embryo Biology has been settled and the following were selected:
dr Sylwia Judycka.
The Institute’s director informs that the competition for the position of assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biodynamics of Food has been settled and the following were selected:
dr Natalia Drabińska.
Director of the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research in Olsztyn kindly informs that the competition for Post-doctoral Researcher in an NCN project SONATA 15 entitled „The interaction of T helper cell subsets with endometrial fibroblasts in processes associated to development of mare endometrosis” was won by dr Agnieszka Sadowska.